"We're going to Camp Bowwwww Wowwwww!"

But she was so sparkly clean when she emerged, she wanted to drive home.
Hmmmm...probably better if I took the wheel b/c less than a minute later, she's asleep (as usual). But she was sparkly white & bootiful!!
Sherman & Penny hadn't been bathed in almost a year. One of the many benefits of good nutrition. I was talking with a non-dog friend this past week (yes, we actually have them!) and she made the comment that neither our house, nor our Dogs, smell like ...dogs. I credit that to their diet.
But they do need a bath at least once a year...well, not according to Sherman!!
"You've got to be kidding me with this!"

"Don't you dare show this to Dot!!!!! This is humiliating."
"Get these SUDS off of ME!!!!"
It's almost worth the bath to dry off!! Joey...he's not as noisy as you, but he finds it just as enjoyable!
And what a better way to dry off after a bath...chewing a Bully in the sun!
And Princess Penny Wiggles didn't believe it was real.
"OK, blah, blah, blah..I'm a good girl. Get me outta here!"
"This is NOT...a good look for me!"
But she tries to do her best Joe impression!
My poor bed...it took 2 hours to dry off!
Oooh, you're all clean. I think I am due a bath after my day out today jumping in mud and rivers!
Oscar x
Wow, doggy camp must be super fun if Lola falls asleep so quickly!
Sherman and Penny.......I won't tell anyone I have seen your bath pics, dogs honor, heehee
Penny you look bootiful with that towel on your head. Good job on making mom's bed wet. haha
Wow, you three sure are lucky to be allowed to dry yourselves off on your mom's bed!!!
look at lola in the first photo. is that lola's eye brow on her left eye? just kidding just kidding.
gosh, sherman and penny only got shower once a year? HEAVEN!!! i got monthly shower but yesterday mom decided to shower me after i got my last one 2 weeks ago. :(
wet wet licks
OK, you HAVE to stop!!!! First the Furminator and now she has one on the way. Now baths and she's looking at us like we're all grungy.
Love, Samantha
It's Dot - thank you sooooo much for those wet shots of my Sherman!!!! Looking forward to good dreams tonight....
lola is looking at penny like she has lost her mind!!! Mom closes all the bedroom doors after our baths so we dont dry off on anyone's bed!!
camp Bow Wow!
attractive name....
every1 is clean n smell great after a decent bath...
ooooh I was pleased to read that you only get baths very rarely, Jeannie read somewhere it is not good for doggies to have too many baths as it can dry their skin out.
I only have them occasionally, but I am well groomed and also have an excellent diet, my hooooooman friends have also remarked that our house does not smell of "dog". Mind you i love dog smells! love and many licks Marvin xxxx
I really hate baths, but I love to watch the water in the bathtub!
My mommy wants to know what diet you feed your kids. Mommy makes me special food, but just wondering what you are making.
Frenchie Kisses,
Sherman--What do you mean? How could Dot resist that very manly CLEAN, bully chewing masculine you?
I don't take many baths either.
Ha ha - poor Sherman. He looks terribly unhappy!
That first pic of Lola is BEAUTIFUL!
Hi Penny,
Thanks for dropping by my blog. =)
Wow! Bath in once a year? You are so lucky! My sista bath me every week or once every 2 weeks when she gets lazy. I must tell her about the good nutrition thingy to stop her from bathing me so often! I hate baths!
Mom my would kill me if I dried off on her bed! I have to use the living room carpet. You're so lucky!! I also can't believe you only get 1 bath a year! I have to have one before camping (with tick and flea shampoo) then when we get back from camping (because I smell like creek and lake water), one before pheasant hunting (flea and tick again) and if I rolled in anything while I was hunting I have to have one before Mom will let me in the car for the ride home after hunting THEN I have to have a bath a bunch of other times because there's only dirt in out back yard so I'm either dusty or covered in mud. You are soooo lucky!
Baths for all of you! I love baths! You don't look so happy but c'mon its once a year! I like your videos!
Have a nice day!
P.S. How is your mom doing with her poison ivy? Better? I hope so.
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