So we were all psyched when Mom cooked up this yummy flank steak for us.
It was even better when she made it into little Dog sized pieces for us to feast on.
But the bad news came...that was Dad's dinner & THIS is what we were left with!!
Umm...hello??? And exactly WHO is that gonna feed???? And Mom had the nerve to cut this little tidbit into even smaller "training" sized pieces. Training??? Mom...I thought I had you perfectly trained.
Apparently, Mom has not been impressed when she calls my name & I've been searching the yard for Tadpole or Marvin or super studly Stanley or the new hottie on the block, Rowan and I ignore her. Hey Mom! Soooooorry! I'm busy. And popular. You've got to HOLD UP!
But I'm getting better. A girl's gotta learn to separate her Boyz from her Treatz!
Unless of course...the Boyz wanna come callin' WITH Treats!
They make us work for scraps!
I am luckier. My hoomans will feed my my treats regularly and they will let me try all their food that they think do not contain too much seasoning. Do you want to come over and stay with us?
I might actually consider getting a girlfriend if she came with steak! you guys got ripped off on the little tiny bit of leftovers!
Steak in training pieces - Whats the world coming to! You got my attention with the great steak picture,,, I could almost smell it - Yum-O.
Hey Guy and Girls,
I to have to work for
the food stuff even MY OWN
kibble and canned stuff.
And Lola my mum LOL with the last
thing you said but she agrees with you.
Love and Licks
Texas (and His humans).
wow!! steaks time...hope u had a great pawty coming up
HMPH! the nerve, you should get the whole steak for being cute!
Frenchie Snorts
Hey Sherman, how come you only got ONE piece of steak, but Lola & Penny got TWO? That's not right, particularly with your special day approaching! I'm going away tomorrow so I'll miss you big day, but I'll be thinking of you pal! J x
You were robbed!!!! That's all I can say, robbed!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Aha! I knew it! There's no such owners in this world that will give a huge piece of delicious roasted meat! No way...They only give us scraps like what Cairo said. I don't call those treats. Hmmppff! But they sure looks delicious to me...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
See my penny is so smart she didn't even need to be told to sit she just did it.
Thought your mom wasn't meant to be much of a cook or a baker or something?
That looks pretty good from here...
Bet dad liked it.
ohmydog the drool is getting all over the keyboard...
hey wait a minute. i'm pretty sure sherman only got ONE treat while lola and penny got TWO. what's up with that, mom??? hopefully he got his second bite after the filming session ended.
and he even wagged his tail while sitting - you think that's easy????
in the interest of fairness, coco
You guys are soooo well behaved!! We can't believe you only got the butt of that steak. That's just wrong.
We thought your Mom didn't cook for your Dad anyway. He would have never missed it.
That was hilarious !! I do that with mommy and am the most obedient dog with daddy !!Lately he has give me more scraps than she has!
i will work really hard for that steak!
I work like SH*T for just some lousy treats! UNFAIR!
Steak scraps are rare at our house so I'd take anything I got! I honestly think you guys are lucky!
Love ya lots,
O Our Dogness! We are drooling. Someone get us a bib. We're gonna leave your blog up on the screen so Momma can get some good ideas from it! Tee hee. Heck, we'd even be willing to sit for some steak!
Drooly Whoofs and Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches
It's so deceptive, really...
Looking at the video you would think it was your *mama* that had *you* trained so well.
BWaaaHaaaHA! Now, THAT'S funny!
Goober love,
You look for me in your backyard? Am I ever there?
That steak really looks good! And you got only tinny pieces!!
I hope next time your mom will have more for you!
I am impressed with your good manners!
Have a nice day
ohhh steak... yummy yummy yummy. shame that you three didn't get to share the whole piece.
Happy Gotcha Day Sherman :-) We are so glad that you found such a wonderful furever home :-)
Erm..okay so I'm getting even SMALLER size treats...so maybe I think I need to retrain my hoomans. :(
Hi pups! I've learned that the more you drool the more you get- that should definately work with the yummy steak! MMM ...MMMMM!!!!
Love & Licks,
Aawww... this is what i mean hoomans are soooo sooo meanie!!..
the steak look so juicy and delicious.. oh.. i want it all...
Golden Rossi
ooooooh Lola!
I wish I could come over and eat steak with you, you always look sooooooooooooooo sad! I would love to put a smile on your pretty Lola face.
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
Happy gotcha day Sherman! Hope you get lots of treats and pressies!
Love ya lots,
HAPPY BURPDAY SHERMAAAAAAAAAN! If that's what you got for your burpday I'm calling the Humane Society to report your mum! I have a sneaking suspicion she might be getting you some GREAT SNACKABLES!
Happy burpday, dude! How old are you? You don't look a day over 2.
oh lola, u all been really good, know how to sit automatically before being "served". i need command or just grab the treats from mom's hand. i say you are good enough.
wet wet licks
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO Happy Gotcha Day Sherman. Hope you get lots of kisses, treats, and attention the WHOLE DAY!!!!!!
Frenchie Celebration Snorts
Happy "GOTCHA" day!
Hope you get a really BIG pawty with STEAK !!
Furever families = PRICELESS
Happy Gotcha Day!
I hope you have a great day with a party, presents, food, treats, cake and lots of love!
Oh happy gotcha burpday whatever you want to call it Sherman. You are the man.
Hey Sherman - we didn't realise it was TODAY.
Happy Gotcha Day - have a good one.
Pippa and Kate
Hope you get the whole steak this time! you deserve it ..I bet you and the gang awe having a gweat day..I'm sending you and extwa supply of smoochie kisses
What a let down. What "little" you got looks DELICIOUS!
Pugsley, Buster, Cricket and Daisy Mae
Oh, wait, I'm here to wish Shermie a Happy Barkday - or Adoption Day, whatever! :) Enjoy your day, Sherman!
Puggy kisses
Sherman!!! Happy Gotcha Day! Woot! Hope you're eating lots of steak, frosty paws, marshmallows, peanut butter, cheese, and whatever else you can get WITHOUT having to work for it!!!
~Tad and Fig
Mmm, did you say steak?? Next time, make sure Dad gets the small portion, k?
I told Wally that I bet your human are just pinching themselves silly today & thinking to themselves, "How did we ever get so lucky to have such a handsome boy as Sherman..."
Have a great day!
Love & Licks,
Sherman--I hope you are having the biggest party EVER. Don't share too much with your sissies. They'll expect it.
Oh my dog that video is too cute. You all did such a good job of sitting and waiting nicely for that juicy steak! Well Done!
Jazz and Dixie
Happy Happy Happy Gotcha-Adoption-Burpday Sherman!!!
Where are you today?!?! What did you do?!??? What did you eat?!!?! Was there cake?!?!?!?!?
All of the Brat Pack
that steak looks so good! You three were so well-behaved. Impressive impressive.. I would be very loud.
Momo xoxo
she cooked that that slab of big fat juicy steak and all you get is that tiny sliver, to share??? she is as evil as my mom!!!
Sherman--Your mom went to NEW JERSEY on your burpday? Why that borders on abuse (insert Jersey joke here). She'd better throw you a big guilt-ridden bash when she gets back! I have some ideas, they may involve Dot and a pole.
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