Friday, November 16, 2007

We are so LATE!

The deadline to submit photos for the DWBs 2008 calendar is tomorrow! We are really cutting it down to the wire & Mom made us pose all day to try & get a good shot.


On the couch.

On the steps (Lola liked this one b/c it's got a pink background!)

On our favorite chairs.

Mom sent in her favorite to Brooke and Greg. Which one do you guys like best??? I think I look super handsome in all of them!


Duke said...

Gosh, they're all good but we love #3 with the pink background the best! We can't wait to get a copy of this calendar!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

I agree with M&M...they all look great, but I'm partial to 3 & 4...and yes Sherman, you look VERY handsome in all of them!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Peanut said...

I like 4 with Penny in the front.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Sherman. We always thought you were cute, but for some reason you just look SO cute in these pictures. Does the cooler weather suit you or are you doing something different with your hair? Whatever it is, we LOVE IT.

We couldn't possibly pick a fave picture b/c they're all great. Really, we're not just humoring your mom!

Wiley & Fievel

Deanna said...

I like the chairs the best, but they are all adorable!

Colleen said...
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Colleen said...

Well let's see. Mama and I both like the first one, because we think the positioning is awesome. But the other three show off your facial expressions really well...Sherman looks like he's smiling in pics three and four! Of those three, we'd have to choose the fourth one, because the lighting is betteer. While the pink background is cute, mama thinks it makes Lola look a bit washed out!

Posted to We are so LATE!

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Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We especially like the one on the stairs. You are so photogenic, they all look really good, but that one is our favorite.

Ozzie & Rocky

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
All those pictures are great. I like specially the last one!
Looks easy for your mom to get pictures of you all!
Have a good night

Kirby said...

Great choices! I like the one on the steps the best. You all look just so cute! Can't wait to see the calendar, it is going to be so neat!!

Your pal,

Harry said...

You three are so photogenic,and so good to all pose for your mum! I like number 3 the best.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Stanley said...

Hey, guys!

I am torn between the stairs photo & the fave chairs photo. Penny & Lola, you look fantastic in every photo (as does Sherm), but Sherman is actually smiling in those last two.

Which one did you send in? (Or, do I have to wait to get the calendar?)

Goober love,

Pee Ess
Sent you a peemail ~ got the box ~ am OVERWHELMED with love ~ Stella buried in massive pile of goodies ~ found her today.

Amber-Mae said...

I like the fourth one better coz it's more artsy-fartsy...But they all are nice too!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

We like all of the pictures, but the pink background the best. Our "the mom" be green with envy the way you all pose for your pictures. lol.

Four Pugz

Frasier said...

We love 4 on the couch!Sherman looks happy.

Joe Stains said...

I like them all but I like the last one the best because you all look so sophisticated!!!

wally said...


I think you look totally handsome in ALL of them. But I think I like the last one with teh chairs the best. It's good to have your own throne!


ps. I hope we get to see pictures of you downing all those meatables. I'm droolin' so much you'll probably get damp on the other side of the state!

Sophie Brador said...

I'm a bit partial to #4 too. Not only is my pal Penny in front, but I just love those dangly paws. The one on the stairs is good too. Actually, we kind of like them all.


Scrappy and Pebbles said...

Like them all but the last 2 are standouts for sure.

Scrappy and Pebbles

Jen and Suki said...

Hey guys - mommy is just now FINALLY getting around to making the Pay it Forward giftables. Would you please pee-mail your address to suki.sumo at We probably won't get to send it out till after Thanksgiving, but mommy and I want you to know it's on it's way soon!!

Suki Sumo

Luckie Girl said...

I like number 3 or 4. did your Mom get you three to look at the camera at the same time?

Katherine and Pippa said...

I like the stairs pic - but it is a bit toooo pink.

So I reckon the chairs one is nice because Penny looks so beautiful.



Hi guys,
Well that was hard to choose the best one but I think we will go with number 3 of you guys on the stairs. There are three of you and your mum is always able to get nice group shots. Its near impossible to get Dixie to sit still so mum can't get many nice ones of the both of us together!

The WriggleButts said...

Oh they're all great (cause you're in them) but our favourite is the one in the stairs.

the WriggleButts

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I like No. 3, or No 1, or perhaps No 2, or maybe No 4, oooooooooh darn it they are all soooooo good!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Amici said...

We like them ALL!! But, if we had to vote I think we'd vote for the pink background one or the chair one. We like seeing your faces up close and personal! :)

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i think all u guys photo look great.. is hard to choose

Lucky Dog Boarding said...

Oooooo...I like the one of you three on the chairs. Cassie says she likes the one with the pink background and that Sherman looks very handsome!

Juno said...

I can't pick just ONE! These are all very good shots! If I really have to pick one, it would be # 3 and #4! (see I can't pick just ONE!)
So did you mom submit one of these pictures?

Momo xoxo

Ashley said...

Wow! Are you photogenic! I can't believe you all sit so still and look at the camera at the same time! You all look great!
I really like #3 :)

Snowball said...

I love the on on the steps best but then all the pictures are very nice.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

The Stairs...we love all of them, but that's our favorite.

Have you guys seen Seymour? We last saw him at the poker game and think he might have gone to your house afterwards???

Let us know!

Boo Casanova said...

i have to agree with lola. that pink background pic is the best!

wet wet licks


Kien said...

oh wow!.. u guys are really a poser.. each of you are so great in taking picture together.. this is a great gifts.. and your mom shld be very proud.. i can't take picture like that with anyone.. my mom will vomit blood in order to get me to do that!


Girasol said...

the pics are great...i love #2 and 3. I couldn't sent my pics too.

Mojo, Digger and family said...

They are all great but I love number 3 - you look like you're all about to leap out of the picture frame at me!


ps thanks again for the Post of the Month nomination. I'm so thrilled!

Asta said...

Those awe gweat Pictoowes..we just sent an old one, and won't be neawly as bootiful as you thwee!
I can't wait fow the calendaw!

I love to lick the cweam off Mommi's legs aftew a showew ow bath..she doesn't even bothew to put it on anymowe, cause i'm vewy fast and efficient,hehehe
smoochie kisses

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! All of these are awesome!!!! I can't wait to see which one you decided on.

Lady Kaos said...

I like the last one. You do realize that you 3 cooperating like that is making it hard on the rest of us to get pack pictures. Mom is trying to get 2 dogs to cooperate and she keeps saying "You know Penny, Lola and Sherman have great pictures and there's 3 of them!" Are you 3 really that good or is your Mom a master at Photoshop? My mom is betting on the Photoshop thing. Great pictures, my mom would rally appreciate if you guys could make it look a little harder though.