Tuesday, December 11, 2007

We're havin' a heat wave!

Yes, I am very, very jealous about all of the snow my friends have been getting. Sophie has like 27 feet of the white stuff at her house! I love the snow. And we had a few days last week where it snowed every day. I was in heaven.

I got to spread my pee mail all over the neighborhood.

And make lots of yellow snow cones.

Then it got warm and the snow melted and it's been raining ever since. Yuck!

But tonight...the rain stopped and the temperature went to almost 65 degress! A regular heatwave for Pittsburgh in December. It was so nice outside, we got to eat our dinner on the deck among all of the Christmas lights.

A turkey neck just tastes better enjoyed al fresco!

It was like fine dining at a fancy French Bistro!

Lola took her time and really savored the experience. It would probably be the last time we can eat outside for a several months.

Hmmm...I think I love turkey necks more than snow.


Peanut said...

Hmm I haven't had a good turkey neck in forever. Poor Poor me. You are some lucky dogs. That neck is about as big as your head. :) :)

Unknown said...

oh Sherman, that turkey neck looks D'Lish! I think I'm dying of hunger over here!


Amici said...

I've never had a turkey neck before. It sounds good. Lola, you sure look like you enjoyed it! :)

We love your Christmas lights on your house. It looks pretty.

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Sherm! I get turkey necks AND snow. It's snowing again right now. And guess what I had for dinner? Well, okay, it was chicken necks, but close. I would love love love to have a turkey neck with you on your lighty deck. I would be hard not to beat you up for being too close to my food, but all the rest of it would be really great and even kind of romantic. Oh ... I'm flirting again. Oops.


p.s. I hope you get loads more snow soon.

2shibas said...

Man, you guys have the best meatables in your house. We can't think of anything better than chewing on a turkey neck on a warm starry night. Yellow snowcones or not, that sounds like a perfect evening!

Wiley & Fievel

The Brat Pack said...

MMMM, those look so good. I've never had a turkey neck - I guess I'm missing out!! I better get Mom on this ASAP.

You look handsome in the snow....or in the sun....or in the shade.... :)


Kapp pack said...

Us snow dogs HATE this weather! We want snow!!!!!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Kien said...

Hi Guys.. really need to apologize for not visiting u guys for sometimes now.. anyway.. am back..

hmm.. i think is not bad afterall since u guys get to have a nice delicious turkey neck..

over here, the weather is not that good too.. been raining for the 2 whole weeks now.. the feeling of wet and not being able to go out for walkies.. just so not good!..


Luckie Girl said...

Yummy! Lola looks like she's totally enjoying the turkey neck. I'm drooling just looking at those piktures.

Asta said...

Penny ,Lola and Sherman
I'm so vewy glad you got to have an al fwesco meal..it looked delicious! I wish I had some snow too, but all I get is wain and wain and dawkness and no wun..it's depwessing..I want snow to go wun and womp
Ikeep hoping
smoochie kisses

Snowball said...

I have never experienced snow but it seems like most doggies love them. You made those turkey neck looks so yummy that I would like to take a bit out of it although I have never let any raw stuff into my mouth before.



Lorenza said...

Hi, friends
Sure those turkey necks are delicious! Looking at you having them is making me drool!
I think the necks are better than snow!
Have a good night

Deanna said...

Pretty lights! I never get turkey necks. Darn vegetarians!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, you doggies sure are having a pawsome timing dinning outside. :)

~ Girl girl

Randi said...

Hey! I guess I'll have to try & not take for granted the patio dining I get to do every now & then..but I guess I'd rather have snow than be able to eat outside...

Love & Licks,

Xsara and Tani said...

Wow, that is some dinner! Xsara can't have turkey because she is allergic to poultry, so she'd be extra jealous. I bet you looooved eating turkey necks outside!

Harry said...

Fine dining indeed! My mouth is watering.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

We've never had a turkey's neck! We're feeling a bit deprived right now! :-(

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

umekotyan said...

I'm sorry that the visit slows.
Father Christmas is waiting for a wonderful meal and the snow at Christmas. :)

from loved ume tyan

Liza said...

How fun - eating outdoors by Christmas lights - I am jealous. My human won't stop baking long enough to make me a turkey anything!


Amber-Mae said...

Wooow, those meatables look really yummylicious!!! Look at you enjoying your piece Sherman...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Tatum Tot said...

Mmm those do look yummy!
We have lots of snow here. It went up to my chest before it melted. We are supposed to get more, too. But it's too cold out, the Mum says it's 17 degrees!

Petra said...

What a holiday feast! I'm jealous.

Lady Kaos said...

I don't think I've ever had a turkey neck! They look very yummy! I'm going to have to tell Mom about those. hopefully she wont' get grossed out. If she thinks it's gross, she doesn't make it for me or buy it for me. SOOO unfair!

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
We'll take turkey necks over snow any day and dining outside with lights, wow, that looks like fun.
Thanks for signing our guest book.
Woofs to you!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Sure glad you got to play in the snow. We don't get snow in Texas so Louie and i wouldn't know what to do with that. I am sure though that we really would love to play in that stuff... I could do my share of making yellow snow too...Gus and louie

Duke said...

We got your awesome Christmas card in the mail today, guys! Thank you sooooooo much! What a great photo!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lizzy said...

Wow, that's a real heat wave! We went through one too, but now it's starting to get colder again.


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Friendzees those turkey necks look sooooo goood! We never had one but we're gonna lick mommy till she gets us some. Oh how we want some snow to play in you lucky dogs!

Don;t forget to come by & pick up your BF award & a CSB

waggin TX tails & barking loud right now!

Ruby Bleu said...

How fun!!! Lola, you looked like you were having so much fun!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Kirby said...

Lucky you, it just keeps raining then freezing then more rain and more freezing here. I would like one day in the sixties. Oh, to eat outdoors. Sigh, I'll have to wait till spring.

Your pal,

Boo Casanova said...

oh sherman, i haven't seen snow or play with it before. but i'm sure i love it coz i have long fur.

look at the princess lola, she makes funny faces!

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...

I had to scroll up and double check the date for this entry, 65 degrees is warmer than it has been here!!! yinz sure got lucky!

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'd choke if I tried to eat that. I know this from past experience. It seems you need to chew it and not down it one.

Simba x

Urban Smoothie Read said...

ur better than me...i dun even had a milimetre of snow....

Anonymous said...

Hey guys!!! Turkey neck??? Where? I want one too? Lucky you!

ChaChi Lu said...

That turkey neck looked really yummy and your Bistro looked so elegant. What is your secret on melting the snow? We want to eat outside again!

ChaChi and Jet

Princess, Tank and Isaac: The Newfs of Hazard said...

Hi guys! We totally love the snow! We got turkey necks for the first time this Thanksgiving. Princess and Isaac loved theirs, Tank gave his a few tentative licks and left it for Princess.

Girasol said...

that turkey neck looks so delicious that my mouth is watering right now!.

Stanley said...


I love to al fresco... even in the snow! Once it got all cold here I went into giddy goober mode and can't get enough of being outside.

Sorry about your heat wave. I hope it is followed up with loads of snow. I'd send you some of mine, but I really don't have much to spare.

Goober love & smooches,

Ashley said...

Oh snow... looks like fun! Maxy has never had a turkey neck, but I am sure he would love it... maybe at Christmas :)
Happy Howlidays!