Thursday, September 18, 2008

Well it's about time!

Look what we finally have!!!

Well, actually that's just Mom's new laptop (which is HUGE, btw...all the better for me to view my lovely Dot Spot). But more importantly...last night we got the internets at our house!! Woo Hoo! It's been almost a whole month and boy, Mom & I were having major withdrawal. So this weekend we'll be stopping by to pay you all a long overdue visit. I can't wait to see what every pup & hammie has been up to.

OK...onto more important things. The Park! Mom & I only live about 5 minutes away from the park now and we've been going a couple times a week to hunt. I love this park!

We will, however, be making a little, teeny, weeny change to the name...I believe this is much more appropriate.

Yep, that sounds way better. And I need to make sure that every pup that comes to share MY park will know who owns it.

So I spent a good deal of time securing the grounds by spreading my peemail everywhere.

You wouldn't think it, but the job is pretty exhausting.

OK, guys...I gotta run but I can't wait to see you all this weekend!

Pee Ess...Mom wanted me to tell you all this will NOT be turned into Sherman's blog...the girls are doing great and they'll be posting very soon!


Peanut said...

woo hoo you have the internets. As much as I love Penny. I kind of like having you post a lot Sherms. Nice park you have named after you. lol
And of course my mom loves seeing you.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo aren't kidding!

'bout time!

And just in time for Harrrr Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Welkhome bakhk!

Jelly Bones Marilyn

Harry said...

Excellent pee mailing there Sherman, well done!

Toodle pip
Harry x

The Army of Four said...

What a great idea, naming the park after yourself. I spent a lot of time marking CiCo Park this morning - and yes, I think it should be named Zim Park now! Ha roooooo!
Play bows,

the many Bs said...

hey Sherman, we are happy to see you and happy that you have a new computer and internet. you are back in business, kiddo!

we really admire your gifts of pee mail. we believe in spreading pee mail also - we'll check for your pee mail when we visit the dog park this weekend.


Clover said...

Hey Sherm! Pawesome computer and horray for the internet!
I love your new park! I hope they re-name it officially for you.
Love Clover xo

Moco said...

Don't let that computer fall on your paw. It could be a disaster. It looks as big as the one Peanut's dad has and it is big.

Lady Kaos said...

You have a computer like my computer!! We love the bigness of our laptop, too. My mom loves that it has they number pad on the side. She has a hard time balancing it on her lap, but Dad found a lap thing at an office supply store that helps with that issue.
Good luck getting caught up this weekend. We can't wait to hear from the girls. We miss hearing from all 3 of you!

FleasGang said...

Welcome back, Sherman! That park looks pawsome. You look much more relaxed and refreshed since we last saw you :-) Can't wait to hear about the girls, too.

The Fleas

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Shermy, I've missed you. Looks like you are getting yourself settled - woot and I'll expect to hear more from you now that you have the internets!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

Girls schmirls dude, your park is PAWESOME! So glad you have the internets again!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sherman!
It is so nice you have internet now and a new computer too!
I can see you are doing a good job making sure everyone knows who owns the Sherman Park!
Glad to see all your pictures. I hope we can see the girls soon!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

Nice laptop there! Wow! You sure left alot of pee-mails around the park huh?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

How nice to see you, Sherman! You're pretty special to own your own park!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Pippa said...

Mistress loves seeing lots of Sherman pics, but I have to confess to missing Penny.


Aggie said...

Sherman! You are back!!! Glad to see you again! Maybe Mom and I can come for a walk in your park someday.

Miss you!


River said...

After the next rain you'll have to send pee-mail again but until then it's Sherman's Park!

love & wags,

Mack said...

Hi Sherms!!

I hope you peed on each and every leaf just so they'll all know this park belongs to SHERMAN!!!

Kapp pack said...

Glad to see you back to blogging!

TTFN, Meadow

We've been thinking about woo!


Hi Sherman,
Glad you have found a great park and that it is soon to be renamed to something that is more agreable to you. Look forward to seeing you around more now that you have internet.

Charlie Daniels said...

It's great to see you back. I missed you!



BenTheRotti said...

Yay for the internet!!

That park looks great and I agree its more appropriate for it to be named as your place!
That was a lot of Peemailing you did there buddy, did you need a good long nap after all that?

Well it goes without saying that we missed you, especially you know who.. yes your two legged stalker!

high fives,

Ben xxxxxx

wally said...

Sherman! Your park is great and I'm sure it smells much better now that you've left your mark. I'm so glad that you have the Internets back so that I can remind you--the Eagles are beating the Steelers this weekend! I'm so excited for the game! Mostly because it means the apes will be eating munches and will be absent-mindedly giving us LOADS of snacks.

wally t. eagledor.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sherm...we may have to head down to Sherman's Park and read ur peemail in dogson!!!!

Glad you got ur laptoppers all set up and ur Internet on...are ya ready for the Steeler Game???


Barkin' at ya to the girls!!!


Amici said...

Very nice park. I like the new park name Sherman. Great job. :)

Glad to hear that your siblings are doing well.

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Sherman!
Welcome back, dude, we missed you guys!
Murphy Dogg

Chef said...

It's so good to see some Shermanology goin' on! You're looking very happy and playful ... welcome back!! Good job enaugurating Sherman Park. I wish I could go there and play with you.


Sophie Brador said...

Sherman!!!! I just missed you in the chat this morning. My silly mom slept in, because she has a cold. I told her, we would miss something good if she doesn't get up and join the chat. But on no. She had to sleep in.

I'm so glad you are having such a great time with your mom all to yourself. I remember when I got my mom all to myself and it was pretty great.


Chef said...

Sherman! Come on over to my blog. I have an award for you.


Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy pee-mail-ing at the park...

Southbaygirl said...

Sherman I sure do love your park! It looks awesome! And I bet you and your mom were having internet mom would have gone nuts!!!

Hope you had a great weekend with your mom!


MJ's doghouse said...

i nwo what you mean about pee mail taking alot of time and effort...people just dont understand...i am so glad you guys are back internetting....i missed you

Girl Girl Hamster said...

yeah I miss you Sherman. What a pawsome walkie you had. :)

~ Girl girl

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Cool computer. I'm so jealous that you have your very own park. Do you hunt squirrels?


Juno said...

Sharman! Good to have our own park and new computer!!

Momo & Pinot

Huskee and Hershey said...

Riverview? No way... it's too 'blah'. Sherman is a much nicer name for that park..

Simba and Jazzi said...

I am way behind on everyones blogs. Will catch up soon.

Simba x

Ben & Darling said...

Oh my dogness Sherman, you got your own park now!!!! Cool man. How I wish I have a Ben's park.

slurpy licks,

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Sherman
Cripes a whole month without internet access...poor you!!
We don't know any pups who have a park named after them...good stuff !!

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Deanna said...

Nice computer, and nice park!

Anonymous said...

Wellcome back! no internet is like your disconnected from the rest of world and a month is like forever. I also prefer big laptop screen, because they are still handy in anyway. Ok, grounds is secured and the park get a new name. good job.

Anonymous said...


Look at that smile! OMG, gorgeous, you are. Huh, nothing like a day at the park eh?

And were those crabapples on the ground? Whew, I'll bet you were in, er.., well doggy heaven.

Thanks for sharing :-)


Deefor said...

I'm glad you have a park, Sherm. We do too and it has lots of great stinky spots to roll in and places to pee. Good to see you.
