In no particular order...except #1....
1. MOM!!!! Duh...she's best friend and favorite person on earth.

2. Moles...or rather, hunting and killing moles.

3. Merrick. Oh how I love this stuff!
Even if it does come in a pink bag and has "Senior" written on it. I think the Senior part is just a joke. Ahahahahahaaaaa!
4. My Aunties...they take very good care of me.
5. Meat! I don't really discriminate here. I love all kinds of meat, really. And this just might be the most beautiful picture I've ever seen...
6. Heath Miller...OK, OK, my Mom, like, LOVES him...see #1. If he wants to be my new Dad, I think that would be all right.

7. The Mailman...actually, I really don't like the mailman...but I love getting Mail. Speaking of which, look what I found in the basement! This is the most horrendous crime of the century. Apparently we still have so many boxes that are unpacked, that Mom missed this big box of cookies FOR ME! From my true love, DOT SPOT. I have a lot more to say about this in a whole other post...
8. Mrs. Howard Stern... Mom is a Howard Stern junkie and so am I...see #1. And his new wife, Beth, is totally Pawesome. She's from Pittsburgh, she's running the NY marathon to raise money for the North Shore Animal League and she's raised almost a BILLION DOLLARS already (more like $150,000...but hey, that's a lot of chewie $$!) and check out this picture of her & a smashingly handsome boy named Moose (who needs a home)!!

I'm not sure who's better looking, BethO or Moose but I have a feeling...Mrs. Stern would totally dig me!
9. Marrow Bones! One word...Yum-O!
10. ME!! Love comes from within...and you gotta love yourself first before you can spread the love to others. Yes, I'm very profound. And I'm pretty darn handsome too, if I do say so myself!
If anyone else wants to play, let me know & I'll give you a letter...
Thanks for letting me play Ben, and give your Mum a big, fat smoocheroni from me!
Mighty nice M's woo mentioned!
Have a great rest of your day with MOM!
w00f's Sherman and penny and lola too, pawsome job there sherman..heehee me likes meat tooo...
b safe,
Hi, Sherman!
This letter game is great, right??
Mom and Me. Those are the best!
Kisses and hugs
of course you are handsome Sherman!
Great list of favorite M's!!
We LOVE Heath Miller too!
Those are great things to love! I love my Mommy too!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
If Heath Miller becomes your new Dad I am moving in. GO STEELERS they did well today!
You better throw those out and I'll make you some fresh ones once I move!
I miss my Merrick...I wish we'd eat that instead of this other junk.
hi Sherman, that was a lot of good M words. you played that really well.
I can't believe your mom (who is a great mom) forgot a whole box of cookies for you. Do you like that merrick? Mom is looking for a different food for us since raw is so expensive down here. Hey give us a letter.
Hi Sherman! Those are some great M words! I just love that picture of you with your Mom. :)
Love Clover xo
Great list of M's Sherman! I'd like all those M's too :)
Nice job on the M's. Lots of stuff to eat. I love Merrick stuff too. We get chews from them. Lots of female humans in your life.
What alot of pawsome things that start with M
~ Girl girl
Awesome job with the letter M, Sherman!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Handsome,
We have some favorites in common. I love Meat, Marrow in the marrow bone and I love to receive Mails too.
You are 1 lucky guy to be living with 3 beautiful ladies.
Hi Shermy,
those were great M's.. I love that your Mom got to be number 1.. that would have topped my M list too.
OMD.. that meat picture had me drooling all over the keyboard!! YUMMMMMMY!
I passed the smooocerooni onto Mum.. she passed out from happiness! You are still her #1 cutie!
good to see you buddy!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Wonderful "M: selections. I love Momma.....and meat.....and marrow bones.....and Merrick.......
Princess Eva
Sherman those are awesome items for M...I think my mom would be at the top of my list too!!!
Oh those are all great answers!
That's a gorgeous picture of nothing but meatables!!!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh I love your M's Sherman!
Sherman, I agree with you on many of your "M"s. Specifically Marrow Bones and Meat. Yum!
M is a great letter for you, Sherman! I think Heath would make a great dad for you, too!
Hi Shermie
It's good to see you..that was a gweat list!
You awe the luckiest to have such a wondewful Mom
if you see Lola and Penny give them my love
smooochie kisses
Great M answers Sherman!
Hi Sherman,
Great answers.. especially #1 and #10!!
AHhhhh.. I can't believe your mom forgot taht there is a box of goodies from your love that's waiting to be opened??!! It's a CRIME!!
The mole looks kinda cute. I'd like have all that meat in the fridge.
Simba x
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM that was a great post! :-)
Those marrow bones are almost to die for! hang on ... just need to wipe up that drool.
Great job on the letter M....I want to play! Please give Aggie a letter!
Sloppy Kisses
That's a great list, Shermanator! I think you are quite deep. Love starts with #1!
wally t.
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