Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Did your pawrents vote yet???

Mine did!

And I would go vote too...if I were allowed.
I suppose I'll have to stay home and play with my favorite stars & stripes tennis ball.

I feel it is my civic duty...


Princess Eva and Brice said...

Momma's getting ready to go vote now. Dad is voting after work.

Princess Eva

Kevin Witmyer said...

Daddy vote-ed this morning! Mommy has to be waiting until later after the workie time.

Dad said he was surprise-ed that he didn't haf to wate in a long line, but is glad that he didn't haf to wate too longly.

Wags and Stripes!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom is stopping on her way home!

She wouldn't miss it fur the world!


FleasGang said...

Mine voted! And I went and wrote in Tad and Joe :-)


Eduardo said...

That is such a cool looking tennis ball!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Girasol said...

My master is going to pick up mom from the airport and then when they come home I will go with them to vote center.

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Yep! Mom stood in line 2 hrs to vote!

Moco said...

The ballots are at the court house. Display those stars and stripes proudly.

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

You can still vote for Turbo!


Lady Kaos said...

Mom and Dad early voted. Dad voted early because he was hunting and Mom was confused where to go now that we moved so she early voted so she didn't get lost.
Mom loves pictures of you with tennis balls in your mouth because she says your jowels are so cute and pinchable. I'm glad I don't have pinchable jowels since I live with her! You're safe though, Mom gets lost easily so if she decided to come pinch your jowels she'd get lost. :)

Charlie Daniels said...

Over here voting is compulsory and you get fined if you don't ... and the voting day is on a weekend not a working day ..



Raising Addie said...

Voting is good... now we play the waiting game!


Peanut said...

Voted forever ago. :)

Lizzy said...


I can't vote because I'm in Canada... But I am looking forward to hearing the results! Your tennis ball is pawesome!


Duke said...

We sent mom and dad down early so we wouldn't miss our morning walkie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Kathryn and Ari said...

I did! And Ari came with me, but she had to wait in the truck :(

Southbaygirl said...

my mommy voted!!! My mommy voted!!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lola!
I know this is an important day to you all!
We heard about the long lines to vote!
Kisses and hugs

Boo Casanova said...

dogs should have our own president too.

wet wet licks


Joe Stains said...


wally said...

Lola! Your Barking worked! PA wasn't even close!


wally t.

The Musketeers said...

/how we wish we could vote too . but too bad , we were not allowed . anyway , even if we could , we can't , as we live in Singapore ! :D

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope the voting goes the way you want.

Simba x

Anonymous said...

Now thats a Patriotic Dog ;)

i said...

Happy belated barkday to you, Lola!

Glad to hear the voting went well. Congrats to your new president!

Cairo The Boxer said...

Yep my folks voted and the person they voted for WON!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

The ball is good too..
How come doggies dont get to vote

~ Girl girl

Abby said...


My Mom voted & she said she voted for Change...

Yes We Can...& Yes We Did...

Abby xxxooo

Deefor said...

I didn't vote but my humans did. They voted by mail a few weeks early. Very Patriotic tennis ball.


Amber-Mae said...

My hoomans couldn't but in their hearts they were voting for the big "O"!!!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Kapp pack said...

Mine voted, but us dogs were kicked out of the polling place! It's a conspiracy!

Kisses, Sky boy

Morgan in Pittsburgh said...

I love your ball! I got to vote for some stuff on election day. Voting was fun.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lola,
Mom & dad would vote on their way to home from office, don’t worry dear.
U like playing tennis ball only with stars why not us, give us a chance my Lola,
Too much worried about voting, hope u were a patriot politician in last birth darling

Shane Kent Louis said...

Hey! how are you guys! hope you really enjoy the voting!

Dog Fence