So, I've decided to move the ExPen into the living room. I should have done this from the start. Didn't I learn anything from Penny. Lola spends no time in that kitchen when she's home w/ us. It must be like a prision for her. Probably 70% of her "free" time is downstairs w/ her pack. So it only makes sense that she spend the day down there. I put another DAP unit in the living room. In the morning & afternoon, she went in the pen w/o much fuss. There was some crying, but that's OK. It's not like the screaming that she used to do. I put her small crate in there w/ the door removed.
I did come home both times to a mess. She peed twice & pooped once each time. This seems to be the trend. She's still having digestive issues and the pumpkin just isn't doing the trick. Penny has always had a sensitive stomach too. Wonder if it's a Boxer thing? One Boxer trait that's proving true is the's toxic. I just fed Lola dry food last night & this morning & she seems to be improving.
Poor Penny is just a bundle of nerves. She was so unsettled all day. Lots of pacing and following me around. I took Sherman on a quick walk by himself & then Penny & I went on a nice jaunt together. It was kind of cold, so it wasn't as long as I'd like...I'll make up for it on the weekend. I did some obedience stuff (heeling, automatic sits, fronts) w/ her & by the end of the walk she was much more relaxed. I need to get her back in class. She really needs that hour of one on one time. Sherman does too, but he'd be just as happy w/ a nice walk on his flexi. Penny likes to think & work. Shelley supposedly had a Thursday night class @ 8:00. I should call her & see if it's still on.