Ethel is very athletic...her passion is tennis balls.

Penny's athletic too...she prefers hiking.
Ethel wanted to know what Penny liked to eat. Well that's easy! Meatables! Just like Ethel!
And Fishables! Salmon or Jack Mackerel to be exact!
Ethel really LOVES her "big boned" brother Wally.

And she wanted to know if Penny loved Sherman too. used to be like this:
And this: it's like this (note sour puss on the chubby black one):
Yes, Penny loves Sherman...but only because he's her brother.
Mostly she loves her Mom (not that you can tell by her expression in this shot!).
I think Penny & Ethel are gonna make great BFFs. Kinda like these two...
One with golden locks and one with Raven hair.
Morph them together & you get something like this:

And they are SO much smarter than she...pretty much the rest of the world is.