Sunday, September 09, 2007

Steelers Rock!

Sundays in our house are the greatest during Football season. Our team is the Pixburgh Steelers and they are the greatest team in the whole wide world. The first year I lived with Mom & Dad...they won the SUPER BOWL! I'm a good luck charm.

I got in gear & waited for all of Mom & Dad's friends to come over.

This is where we watch the game. It's called the Man Cave because it's really dark & that's where Mom makes Dad go to play his video games or watch hours & hours of football.

But when people come over, Mom & Dad fill it up with FOOD and I walk around & ask people to share their snackables.

We had just started watching a game when my Auntie Kristen showed up...DRESSED. LIKE. THIS!

Now Auntie Kristen is super nice & I like her a lot because she lets me give her kisses all over her face, but she is not in Black & Gold...the Steelers signature colors. And worse, she dressed in brown & orange and wearing a Cleveland Browns bandana!!! Bleh!

I can't believe Mom didn't throw her right out the door!! But she got to stay. Don't worry, I made her suck to me & share her pizza. And...the sweetest revenge. We won! HaHaHa! Take that Auntie Kristen!

It was such an exciting day! I completely wore myself out.

Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go! Let's make it a 6 Pack!