When Lola came home & I had to pick her official AKC registered name, I didn't want Sherman & Penny to be any different. So I decided all of my dogs would have "Fancy" names, in addition to their "Call" names and at least 1/2 dozen nicknames.
So let's start with the chubby black one..
Fancy name: SteelCity Nutty Professor (Our foundation dog)
Call name: Sherman
Nicknames: Shermie, Bubba, Turkey, Big Boy, Grumpasaurous Rex, Bubba-doodle-finklestein, Wolf

And now the Brown one...
Fancy name: Rizzo's SteelCity Lincoln Lady
Call name: Penny
Nicknames: Princess Penny Wiggles, Pen-Pen, Beauty Queen, Wigs, Peanut, PennyGurl, Frito

And who could forget the little White One!
Fancy name: KandL's SteelCity Copacabana
Call name: Lola
Nicknames: Sprout, LittleGurl, Lo, Woobie, BabyGurl, Munchkin, Boo, Boobernut, Mush face, Jowly lips

And Collectively we are:
Fancy name: The Dogs of Jackman Ave
Call name: Puppies!!!!
Nicknames: the Jag-offs, WOOObies, little A$$holes, my Boubies
"We think our Fancy name should be 'The Most Perfect Dogs in the Universe', donchya think???"
"We think our Fancy name should be 'The Most Perfect Dogs in the Universe', donchya think???"

On a separate note....In celebration of St. Patty's Day...
We've gone ahead and nominated ourselves for Photo of the Month. Yeah, kinda self-serving....but Lola the Leprechaun worked hard for the Money Shot!
Do I look up???? What am I looking at?

"So, um...what's the deal with this? I assume I get lots of Cookies if I'm good".
"Almost...I've been posing & posing & nuthin!...gimme the liver cookie!"
OK...this is the final shot. And the one we're nominated for. Pretty cute, huh?
"Are we done yet?"
So go to Dogs with Blogs & vote for us! There are lots of good nominations this month so the competion it tough! But we never win anything...puh-lease???? She worked so hard!