Lola's Feisty Fido's class was cancelled b/c of the weather. We had our first snow of the season (about 1/2 inch) but there was a lot of freezing rain & the roads were pretty bad. So we built a fire & stayed home to watch the
Steelers/Browns game. God bless those Stiller fans that brave the cold. I'd much rather watch from inside my house, on my big HDTV with a fire blazing. It was 20 degrees at kickoff! With a windchill temp of 5 degrees!!! I'm offically old.
Penny is a fire dog. She loves to park herself right in front of the screen & warm her skinny self. I've gotten down on the floor with her to snuggle in front of the fire & have to move w/in 10 seconds. It's HOT!!!

She stays there forever!
In the meantime, Lola managed to cut her face on something. She is definately MY dog! It was most likely from running around in the snow outside. It makes her crazy!