Sherman? A therapy dog???
Yep, you betcha! And no, I'm not kidding. I am so unbelievably proud of this dog...I can't even stand it. I actually cried on our way home from testing this morning.
Not only did he pass...but the comments from the evaluator on his TDI forms were"What a sweet dog! Very Obedient!'. Very Obedient? Sherman? OK...yes, he is very sweet. But Sherman is not a big fan of other dogs (Huskies, Rottis andLabs in particular), is insanely food obsessed and would prefer that all of the children of the world be kept a safe distance. My big, grumpy boy did the meet& greet w/ a (male) Chocolate Lab and didn't even make eye contact with the dog. He did the Leave It like the big peanut butter cookie was made of poison. And...(and this is huge) he allowed himself to be brushed and fawned over by two5 year old girls who designated themselves as the doggie welcoming committee forall dogs being tested. One of them even whispered to me, "Sherman is my favorite dog here". It helped that I was feeding him Liver while she brushedhim LOL!!
We had the evaluator that failed Penny the first time. She is all business, which made me even prouder. He didn't get to skate through anything. I remember telling Scotty two years ago that Sherman would *never, ever* pass theCGC, let alone the TDI. And I really haven't worked with him that much.
I'm very giddy & very proud today. Sherman & I are a good team. He trusts me and I trusted him and we succeeded. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Penny & I then went to the Pittsburgh Children's Museum to do a bite prevention workshop with Marsha & some folks from the WPHS. Penny was fine with all the dogs & loved the kids. She was a bit nervous when we were on stage, but give little kisses to those who came over to visit. Marsha is amazing with these kids. And she asked Penny & I to visit some preschools to do bite prevention sometime in 2007. I would actually get paid!
I just love my dogs!