Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Just take those old records off the shelf...

Sherman thinks he is soooo sneaky. The big stupid head is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He's been carrying around Pink Piggy talking about their big vacation with Mom & Dad this weekend. Apparently he has not grasped the concept of WHISPERING!

Lola & I aren't mad. Grandma is coming to stay with us on Friday night & then we are making BIG PLANS for Saturday when we will be left to our own devices! Think Risky Business...minus the hookers. (Stanley, don't go getting any bright ideas about dancing around in your underwear!) We're having a giant Pawty!!

We're breaking out the lava lamp and hanging the disco's a 70s Theme Pawty!!! Just to get you in the mood:

There will be a door prize for the best Disco Outfit!!!

We figure, we'll whoop it up here Saturday night, rest on Sunday & then head up to NYC to Pawty with Asta, Cowboy Style.

Stay tuned for more Pawty details later this week!
