But here's a little story of how Sherman became the Original Dog of Jackman Avenue.
Six years ago today, our lives changed forever. I had been bugging Scott about getting a cat. I also was looking at puppies...for about 6 months, I would go on Petfinder.org & look at all the available dogs & cats in the area. Some I would send to him & he'd entertain the thought for a few minutes & then dismiss it. One day, he forwarded a picture of a RottiLabX named Zena. "Why don't you call & see if she's still there...maybe we can go look at her on Saturday". She was still there & I was beyond excited at the possibility of finally getting a pet.
So Saturday we drove the hour to the Butler Co Humane Society and spotted Zena right away. She was the crazed dog jumping about 6 feet in the air...growling & snarling at me everytime I approached the cage. I was very intimidated & scared of her so we walked around the kennels for 15-20 minutes & decided to spend some time with a LabX, Moose and a LabSharpei, Cookie. Moose walked into the meet & greet room, peed on the wall and started running around the room. Scott looked at me and mouthed "NO!". Cookie came in next & was sweet and gentle, but very aloof. She basically ignored us...Scott found this endearing, but I wanted to see a couple other dogs first.
There were two other dogs we wanted to see, both in the same pen. One was a yellow lab mix and the other was medium sized black dog. Apparently they had been found together, along the side of the road in a ditch and were both a year old. When we initally walked by their cage, the Lab (who was bigger) kept trying to pushing the black dog out of the way...but the black dog demanded to be seen & his tail was wagging like CRAZY! I wanted to see the Yellow Lab first, but Scott liked the black one. We never even got to meet the Lab…Sherman walked into the room, right up to Scott and rolled right onto the floor at his feet to have his belly rubbed. It was all over.
Sherman was a great first dog...for the most part, he was housebroken. He wasn't destructive. He was pretty easy to walk on leash. He just sort of came into our home & fit right in. He's my best buddy.
Happy Gotcha Day to Sherman!

Thank you for changing our lives forever! We're very glad you decided to stay.
That is a wonderful story about how Sherman saved his peoples lives! Good job rescuing them, man. You did pick out some good ones. I hope you have a ROCKIN' party full of meatables.
what a beautiful story, I am glad Sherman chose you and Scott to be his forever family.
What a great start to a wonderful life.
Frenchie Snorts
Ah, Shermie - Can I call you Shermie? What a wonderful story..My mom has tears in her eyes...good thinking doing the ole' roll on the back belly rub trick...gets 'em every time!
Love & Licks,
See I knew you were the man Sherman. Rescuing your peeps like that. Good work.
Way to go Sherman! and happy Gotcha Day to his people! You are a special quadruped! -Rocky
Hi, friends.
Thanks for sharing Sherman's story.
He chose the rigth people to become his family. You all are very lucky!
Happy day!
That's really sweet..so Sherman chose you guys and not the other way round!! :)
happy gotcha day sherm. you sure seem like a special guy!
wat a lovely story!
Kudos to you both, to give the dog a new lease of life!
we adopted our retriever-X too and she's a changed dog. she made us happy and i'm sure we made her feel the same :)
wow that's such a story about sherman. i wonder why in most cases, the lady of the house is the one wanted a dog while the man always say NO. when we get it, the man took over as no.1 favourite person and keep saying "so and so (dog name) will choose me over you"! ha!
happy belated GOTCHA DAY sherman!
wet wet licks
p/s: jen, sorry, somehow the event calendar didn't show sherman's gotcha day in our blog but it is on the calendar page tho.
Happy Burpday to Sherman! I'm so glad you are here. I am in cake debit to you.
Happy Gotcha Day Sherman!!!!
I hope you get lots of cool stuff
and get lots of belly rubs.
My mum and I loved your story
and I think your choice of
hoomans was a good one.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
And HAPPY BURPDAY as well.
Love and Licks
Texas (and his humans).
Happy Gotcha day dear Sherman!
You've always been the unique one.
nice 2 read about d story of sherman
thanks for sharing Sherman's story!
it really is amazing when pawrents find the right companion at the right time..
all the best! hope to see the big bash!
That's a sweet story. Happy belated birthday to you Sherman. :)
~ Girl girl
Wow Sherman is a clever boy. He knows how to detect a good home right away and make sure he dun miss the chance when he first saw your family.
We love your gotcha day story of Sherman. Now he has more playmates and a stable, loving home. :)
That's a great story Sherman. We love happy endings!! And we are so happy that you choose each other.
Thanks for sharing that with us.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
that is so wonderful.. Sherman is a great doggie! with a great family to be with!..
Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Sherman!
Golden Rossi
That's just a beautiful story about Sherman. He is very lucky to live with you both & you both are sooo lucky to have him!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
You see, that's a perfect story about how we have to show the humans what they need. They could have made the wrong decision if it weren't for you and then what?!? Their lives could have been a disaster.
Way to go, buddy. We love ya!
The Brat Pack
Shermie you lucky dog! What a great story and you are lookin' sooooooooo fine! I hope yer Gotcha Day was verrrrrrrry cool!
Happy gotcha day Sherman! You picked yourself a good family, indeed.
That is a great story!
our dogs are special people
ooooh that was such a heart rending story about Sherman.
Happy Gotcha Day Sherman from us all in Scotland!
His "tail" of how you adopted him was very much like mine.
Jeannie has those wet things in her eyes after reading it, 'cos it reminded her of my story.
love and many licks, to you all,
from Sunny Scotland xxxxxx (and rainy tooooooo!) Marvin xxxxx
What a great story. You guys are so lucky you found each other. Happy belated gotcha day Sherman!
~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget
Belated happy gotcha day Sherman!
(You share thi special day with Boots and QB's birthdays - I think!)
Special Snogs from the dogs
Kerrio & co
Oh I love, love, LOVE these kinds of stories! And Sherman picking you guys out like that... well, it made my girl's eyes leak. I'm so HAPPY you guys are together now!
Happy Gotcha Day Sherman!
What a fabulous story!!!! I love it! Happy Gotcha Day Sherman....I know it's got to be your favorite day, ever!
Woof, Johann
Happy belated adoption day, Sherman! It is so difficult to walk through a shelter, knowing you cannot save every dog there, and take the time to make a decision that will be best for everyone. You and your humans are lucky to have found each other.
Awww, how sweet! Have a great day Sherman!!
What an awesome story! Happy gotcha day Sherman!
Love ya lots,
Happy Birthday, Sherm.
I will give you a good rubdown next time I see you... as long as you can keep your sisters off of me!
Happy Birthday, Sherm.
I will give you a good rubdown next time I see you... as long as you can keep your sisters off of me!
WAY TO GO, buddy! You totally saved Scott & Jen's lives the day you adopted them. Just listen to how they gush about you. I especially like the way you announced to them that they would be yours... the belly show - the ultimate overture of friendship. Very suave.
Can't wait to hear about your celebration. Even if I can't be there, I'll be dancing in my heart, bud.
Goober love & gotcha day kisses,
Happy Adoption Day Sherman!!!!
The Kapp Pack
Hey, thanks for the DWB welcome. Not always you get your name and picture in lights for all to see...if Mom only knew.
Will keep posting more of my life and trials with my sister Bella.
Woof at ya later,
Way to go, Sherman! You scored big. What a great home you've got.
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches
Happy Gotcha day Sherman. What a lovely story!
HAppy belated Gotcha day Sherman. You are such a cool dog !!
A nice nice story of u sherman...
Yay Sherman!!! I'm so glad you were gotcha'd!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Yeah Sherm!
Happy Belated Gotcha Day to Sherman from all the dog's at Bella's place.
Hey Shermans,
Happys GotchasDay, kinda lates. My dummys sec. had Monday on his minds. What a stupids! Glad you stayed arounds. Any black and tans canine is a greats canine.
Freda Ƨ
What an absolute star Sherman is.
I always wanted to look at the cute ones and Adrian wanted the ones who picked us.....
We think Sherman is a great dog.
Pippa and Kate
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