Thursday, February 15, 2007

The snow was fun for a couple of days, but now I'm ready for Spring. Today it's a brisk 7 degrees. Yesterday we woke to the joys of scraping an inch of ice off the cars and running the engine for 30 minutes before braving the roads.

There is a layer of ice covering everything, with snow piled on top of it.

It's not too cold for Sherman who takes his bone out with him at lunch while the girls run around the yard.

When Lola's lips turn bright pink, it's time to head inside!!

Charlie's mom reminded us that it's 25 days until day-light savings & 34 days until spring. Bring it on!!


A&S said...

wooohoo! fun in the snow! we like to burrow in it and kick it up and dig in it and roll in it and lay in it and shake it off and hunt in it and lick it and eat it and dodge it when sis throws snow balls!

akira & shiro
p.s. go stillers!

The Brat Pack said...

EVERYONE has snow but us!!! BooHoo!

Have fun!
The Brat Pack

Simba and Jazzi said...

That does look cold. I think you needed jumpers.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said...

Akira & Shiro - Aaahhh...fellow bloggers from the 'burgh! We'll get 'em next year! You guys are made for the snow way better than we are!

Hey Brats! You can have our snow...we can't wait till Spring!

Simba - Mom only puts our sweaters on for walks. She's mean!

Thanks for stopping by!

Penny, Lola & grumpy boy Sherman