No, I'm not thrilled that Sherman is tagging along. He just had his very own campout in Merryland a few weeks ago. Yes, I'm pouting.

But he has his own giant tent and he'll be sleeping all alone & not bothering us. That is, of course, unless Dot is coming and then he'll be occupied in the tent for the whole weekend. All the better!

Lola & I will sleep all snuggled together. As always.

We're all catching a ride on Aire Ruby...Sherman is riding in the cargo area as he exceeds the weight limit for passengers.
Hi Penny,
I'm glad that you gusy decided Sherman could come with you. I'm sure Butchy feels the more the merrier. His tent is super cool, perhaps you could convince him to share it with you and Lola someday. Hope you all had a good time and snacked non-stop!
Your Pal,
Oh, poor Sherman! Do you think he minds being in the cargo? Hehehehe... Will see you guys on Aire Ruby.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm looking forward to camping. This should be great fun.
Simba xx
awwwwww Don't worry, Sherman! Ruby won't make you stay in cargo! You can sit next to us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You're killin' me, girl! You know that you LOVE the Shermanator. I think he might surprise you and be the life of the campout!
If you don't mind, I might just snag a snuggle with you and Lola sometime this weekend. You look so cozy together.
Goob love,
oops! are you sure sherman is overweight? he looks fit for me.
wet wet licks
Awwww, poor Sherman. Don't worry pal, I'll make sure you get extra sausages! J x
I will totally hang with Sherman, you girls can have the Doofus!!
Hi Sherman, Penny & Lola,
Isn't the Pawty just great? How many Pawtini did you had?
Have fun camping! Sherman looks like a cool big brother, not a grumpy dude. Oh and thanks for the DogBeer tip, maybe mom can find it for me down here!
That last picture made us smile. We love it when you all pose for a picture together!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Hey - wasn't the pawty the best ever!
I just adored the camping out!
oh and Lola, you are sooooo cutey pie when you pout!
love and licks, from Marvin in Sunny Scotland xxxxx
Such a great picture of you three on the couch! We love that one!
What a neat time you guys will have. I am not sure I would be brave enough to sleep out in a tent. I like mom and dad's soft bed.
As for jumping on the table, the getting up is the easy part. getting down is where I have trouble. Well, at least mom always gets me off the table when she gets home. Even if she does take pictures of me first.
woofies doggies!! justed checkin to cees whats u been doing...
b safe,
Love the picture of all 3 of you.
hahahaaaa did sherman read about having to travel in cargo area?
Penny/ Lola,
That pic of you girls cuddling up together is so beautiful! Ummm.. I don't think they serve food/ drinks in cargo class.. On the contary, you get unlimited food/ drinks in Furs Class!
The Shermanator was probably running a poker game in the cargo hold with all the other big boys. I wonder who won the most bully sticks.
What a cute picture of you three!
What if you guys caught me and Sherman in the tent??? Just teasin! We were just sneakin' In Heat Wheat!
ps. Sherms, your Stealers smooooooooshed my Seasquawks! I probably owe you like moo tubes or somethin'. Sigh.
Yo sorta screwed up. Well, Lacie is in charge of "details"...she's a detail dog, but she's grounded from the campout. Anyway, YOUR barkday is on Halloween...and she didn't look that far ahead on the calender!!! Darn that Lacie anyway. (She forgot Lorenza's too...her's is Nov. 2nd...) Bottom line, now that were done blaming Lacie for her forgetful puppy mind, do you want to celebrate ur Barkday with Koob, Amber-Mae and ? Lorenza at that crazy house up in Massachusetts?? That state sounds like a cold...A Chew!!! Er, anyway...there's going to be a safe not scary for some of the more sensitive and Archie to start with. We're not into this ghosty stuff. The house is by Agatha's and Archie's....let us know. Also let us know if we forgot anyone else's barkday. We'll get Big Bruvver to work on the invite to put your name on.....
Apologetic Kisses,
Hope you doggies had loads of fun!!!
Oh.. Sherman is overweight at the passenger section? hee hee
~ Girl girl
Hi guys,
The more the merrier hey. Hope you guys had a great time at the campout. Btw that last pic of you three is priceless.
Jazz and Dixie
awww... Lola and Penny looks so comfy together! tat's one brilliant picture - erm, can i post tat on my blog too?? i'm grabbing one of Tucker's too! heh...
visit you guys soon!
Lola - tag, you're it!!
Oh, and have fun camping. Mollie hasn't tried it yet but we think she'll like it when she does :D
Penny darling. Sorry i have not been by. Thank you so much for your questions. They were very clever. Like you. I have answered them.
I thought I was going to the pawty to, but mistress put her foot down in the end. :(
Maybe I'll get to see ya later.
Pippa. xx (one for Lola too)
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