Ruby is any exceptional Diva and won the award for best costume at our 70s Dance Pawty!!

Yes, it's true. I LOVE Camp Bow Wow! And if you click on the link, you will see I am STILL the spokes model for their website! I go to Camp most Saturdays and play all day with my friends. And when Mom picks me up, I am pooped & sleep all night. I think Penny & Sherman like a little time alone with Mom...she usually takes them on a long Saturday walk together. (and Lola...they need a break from you!)
2) What were some of the challenges you faced becoming the '3rd' in a two dog kennel?
Hee Hee! There were no challenges for ME! Penny & Sherman took a while to warm up to me. Penny was a little quicker and in fact, Sherman has never really warmed up to me. I have a little too much energy for him.
Going from a 2 dog house to a 3 dog house was more of an adjustment than Mom & Dad realized. Sherman & Penny had a nice little routine going & I came along & threw a wrench in the whole works! Plus I was a puppy so I needed EXTRA attention. But it's all worked out now & we're one big happy family (even Sherman!).
3) What is your most favoritest thing to do in the whole wide world?
Chasing Tennis Balls in my back yard! I could do it all afternoon.
4) Aside from your BFF Tadpole, are there any other special 'pup boys' in your life? Inquiring minds want to know.
Tadpole is the most special...he is my BFF and ever and ever and ever. But my hometown boy is Apache. He's a terrific playmate!
But on the internets, I have LOTS of pup boys! Marvin is my main squeeze. But I also have big time crushes on Zimmie, Stanley (I know he's taken Ruby...but doesn't Everypup have a crush on Stanley?), Sparky da Puggle and that fuzz butt, Eddie. I have lots of love to go around!
5) If you could meet and person/pup in the world (living or dead) who would it be and why?
Well, it would have to be Ch. Blanka v. Angertor. Blanka is very important in the history of the Boxer breed as she is credited with adding the "Flash" to fawn & brindle Boxers. Blanka's daughter, Meta von der Passage, is considered the mother of the Boxer breed.

Thank you Ruby for those very challenging questions! You could give Barbara Walters a run for her money!

Here are the rules of this Tag:
1. If you are interested in being interviewed, leave me a comment saying, 'interview me.'
2. I will respond by posting five questions for you. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with a post containing your answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
What great answers!!! Woot! And I know everyone loves my Stanny...I mean he is a total babe magnet!!!
Very interesting answer to the who would you meet question. That pictures of her makes her look kinda scawie, but I'm sure she was a great doggin!!!
Oh and I had no idea I won the costume contest...thanks!!! How cool!!!
Thanks again for playing along...we certainly at the diva-est divas around!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
WOW, that was one excellent interview. Great answer about who you would want to meet. I bet she would be so proud of you!!!!
Frenchie Snorts
Great interview! I could only imagine how tough it must have been being the 3rd dog in our home. I am glad all things work out fine in the end.
Lola - they are very thoughtful answers.
By the way your nose is even more pink than mine.
I would quite like to play this game, but if you get other offers it doesn't matter.
oh my I am blushing so much at my mention there Lola doll, you are the bestest!
And I loved reading more about you.....one day I promise our Oceans will join and we will be in sniffable distance, love will blossom and all will be right with the world.
Love you lots my Pittsburg Sweetheart, your pal, Marvin xxxx
ps I soooo love being your "main squeeze"!
Hey, great answers Lola! Even I'VE got a bit of a crush on Stanley! Hehehehe! J x
Hey Lola!
I think Stanny has enuff love to go around. I bet he'd add you onto his list if you wanted, hehehe! And don't worry: Ruby, Asta and I don't get jealous easily.
Great answers! It was nice to get to know you a little more.
Puggy kisses
woofies all!!! coolie answers there lola....heehee lola u likes all the doggy guys...comes back sometime and check the tid bits i addeded sumthin new....that rmindes me i got u get u all on my fends list if that ok....
b safe,
Hi my BFF Lola Sprout Beyonce! Guess what?! I posted my interview with Ruby today! Hee hee! We were MADE to be BFF's! :-) You're much more concise than I am, however....
Great answers, Lola! I enjoyed reading this post. =D
Great answers. You may interview any one of us if you would like.
Woo woo, Kelsey Ann
I loved youw answews..they wewe well thought out and intelligent..I wish ouw countwy was wun by dogs,but I digwess..anyway I loved youw post..thank you fow wishing me well with my eyes..I'm detewmined to be fine by the time of the pawty!
You awe a DIVA!!!!
I also loved youw last post..I get so behind sometimes..sowwy
smoochie kisses
hey lola, love the interview. you did very well in the interview i don't think anything can be hard for ya.
wet wet licks
You handled the intrview so well. You are truly a diva! I'm so happy you, Sherman and Penny and your parents are such a happy family.
Hi, Lola Diva
That was a great interview!
Sure it was not easy being the third dog in the house... specially for Sherman and Penny! You sure are all energy!
Apache looks very handsome!
Have a good night
I didnt even think to dress up for my interview! your answers sure were great and now I know about the mother of all boxers!!
I fowgot to say..you look like you have apawfect figoowe!
smoochie kisses
Great interview Lola... I have always thought it'd be nice to be the 'baby' of the family!!
** Msg for Sherman - Ummm... so you have noticed huh.. it's not actually pink, but it's red (so I don't think that's any consolation). So much for my male ego huh...
Lola Diva Forever!!!
You handled the interview pressure very well. Not all divas are as poised as you. But, then again, you were being interviewed by the Rubinator. She's got that Baba Wawa chic beaten paws down.
Thanks for the shout out, girlie. I had no idea you were crushin' on me. You've got me doing a little wiggle dance here. I am more than flattered.
You keep things spicey there at camp ferndoggle. I'm sure that the Shermanator will warm up to you more, even if he never willingly admits it.
Goober love & smooches,
You look super cool in your disco gear.
Simba xx
Great answers you gave Lola.
I would love to play ball with you. :)
~ Girl girl
It is an interesting interview.
The tennis ball runs about the world. :)
Travel around the Internet, and happiness.
from loved ume tyan
Oh Lola...that Stanley is attractive, isn't he...I tried, but didn't get anywhere...and don't be lulled into a false sense of security bout his main squueezes....they put there paw down if you even do something small like turn Stan into a wire fox stuffy for not dating you, but that's a former blog post. Anyway, great answers, Lola and wonderful ensemble for an outfit!!! Have to check out you at Bowwow...that rocks!!! Lacie
Boy, those questions are hard to answer but you manage to answer them well, girl!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi! My name is Ralph and I'm a JRT, new to this blogging thing. My mom had a white boxer named Spanky with a ring around the eye like Lola. awesome dogs.
Woof Woof!
Great interview, Lola! I think you're right - everybody wants to be with Stanley!
Love ya lots,
Great interview Lola! Joe Stains interviewed me. I will be posting it tomorrow, I hope. My management team is still going over the questions to decide if there's anything to personal. You know how it is. Us Divas have to protect our images.
In fact, I'm thinking maybe we should become DFFs.
Nice interview Lola! See you guys again - love Mati and Rocky
Hi Lola,
You looked really pretty for your interview!
I really enjoyed reading it!
Love Clover xo
Great interview! I mean verrrrrrrry revealing!
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