Sprout - This was my first nickname because I was wee little when I came home to live here.
Sproutie Sprout...Sproutie Sproutie Sprout Sprout...Widdle Sprout - all versions of the original
Boo or Boo Boo - Don't know why I'm called this. Maybe I'm the female Casanova?
Boobernut - This came P.S. (Pre Stanley). I think I knew I was a Goober all along
Lolita - Obvious
Lo Lo - kinda like J. Lo...another Diva
Woobie - Mom calls all of us her Woobies
Baby Gurl - I AM the baby
The Annoying White Dog - !!!GASP!!! What???? Sherman put this in here!
I'm gonna tag my new friends Ralph and LacyLuLu. What are your nicknames???
Hi Lola!
Great nicknames you've had! I had quite a laugh when I read the last one! *Grinz*
Hey Lola, not sure if you saw but I answered your interview questions the other day. I hope they meet your approval. I think you are a very pretty doggy!
Kisses, Sky
Hey Lola,
Those are perfect nicknames. Sherman should be ashamed for that last one.
Your Pal,
Hi, Lola
I like your nicknames. Lolita!
Yes, I knew Sherman was behind the last one!
Have a good night
u got lots a nicknames....
n u can remember them all...
Mom calls Dakota Baby Girl, too!
I sure like the sprout nickname. we have a store here called sprouts and it sells delicious food!!
Haa.. You dont look like Boo or BooBoo to me. Sherman is funny to put that last nickname in
~ Girl girl
Love all the background info on your nicknames! I like Sproutie Sprout Sprout! (Where did Beyonce come from?)
By the way, I knew you were a goober from the moment I met you... a Diva Goob.
Goober love,
Thats a lot of nick names. The last one is a bit mean, funny, but mean.
Simba xx
That Sherman is such a cut-up!
You sure have lots of nicknames, Lola!
Love ya lots,
Lola, your expressions are priceless...we think you should be on America's Next Top Model. Maybe you need a model nickname, too?
Wiley & Fievel
You are SO not an annoying white dog! What is Sherman thinking!!!
Lots of Licks my Diva in crime!!!
Look at that adorable face, I just don't believe you could ever be annoying!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Awww poppet - sprout? ??? You are so cute.
Lola!! You are not A**** White Dog!! I can't type this word coz you are NOT A***** Whie Dog! Sherman, can you hear me?!! :)
Momo xoxo
Wow, what an super cute dog you are!
Boobernut? YOu should only be called the Divine Ms. L. Never Boobernut, although it is kind of cute. Boobernut, Boobernut, Boobernut. Okay, it has a certain ring to it. Boobernut. hmmm.
Hi Lola Sprout! You are the sweetest darn sprout I have ever seen!
I am totally sure the last name does not apply to you though!
love and many licks, your friend, Marvin in Scotland xxxx
You are so photogenic Lola!! We love the way you are tilting your head around in that last pic.
We have some of the same nicknames...I think our Mom's all think alike.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Lolita !
They were all funny though
Ah-Woo super cute nicknames! How are my friends on the other side of da Burg? We are up & blogging again. Mommy is feeling better each day. Juneau certainly gave her a workout yesterday - the poopy-head.
Til next time,
Hi Girly...
Lolita is my favorite!
We always think of you when Mom blares Copacabana on the radio.
Hey Lola,
You have nicknames fit for a DIVA for sure. :)
woofies Lola!!! heehee me gots taggeded, me will answers u tommorows...me canted waits!!!!
b safe,
Hi Lola,
You have such coool nicknames.
I'm just called NooNoo or Girlie. (^ ^)
You're not an annoying white dog Lola, you're a true LOLITA!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hey there Lola,
Some interesting nicknames yo got there. Isn't it funny how humans make up all these kind of names for us? The current one mum is using for both of us is Beagelly Jellies!! Come on I ask you!!
Jazz and Dixie
What wonderful nicknames, I love them all!!!! You are such a cutie and you know it,
Frenchie Snorts
Sherman--Start calling her Ebola! (Like Lola, only a deadly disease).
ps. Don't tell your sissies I was being mean. I don't want to be disinvited from future partays.
woofies all, lola me likies the baby gurl one...and me answereded ur tag, gooo checks it outs...
b safe,
woofies all!!!! heehee Lola, gesses we jus 2 crazy girlies!!!
b safe,
Hi Lola, I don't think you're an annoying white dog! The rest of your nicknames sounds pretty good to me. =)
Hi Lola.. boo ..boo boo... ?.. hahaha u wouldn't want this name to be yrs nick.. they are notorious!.. hehehe
They all suit you pawfectly except fow the obvious false one that Shewman gave you..soooo wong!
you'we one bootiful giwl! awe you weady fow youw upcoming birfday??? I can't wait
smoochie kisses
I think we look a little bit alike! Can you believe my Servant just found out about Dogs With Blogs? Good help is so hard to find.
Thanks for visiting our place or I would have never found your place and it's awesome.
Lindy Loo
Hi Lola,
I like all your nicknames... esp Lo Lo...
And that's the CUTEST pic of you Lola.. I love it!!
I love SPROUT! What a cool nickname!
Hey Lola,
Most of those nicknames seem fitting for you! I can't believe Sherman though...brothers...I hear they can be like that.
Oh yes, I am becoming a diva too!! I do look pretty good in pink, I think, I will have to ask mom for more pink accessories!
Love Clover xo
I personally think that all of us dogs should have plenty of nicknames, i know you all respond to them all just like I do! Can never have too many nicknames!
Hiya! I liked hearing your nicknames, thanks for tagging me! Marvin beat you to it though, but check out my nicknames on da blog
Cute nicknames
Scrappy and Pebbles
Good evening Lola.
Even if the dog's character is expressed, nickname is interesting.
Spend a wonderful weekend with a white dog.
from loved ume tyan
Hey my dad calls me baby girl too sometimes - but I'm a boy. You're very cute [blushes]
Ebola...that Wally is a crack up!! Er, sorry, Lola...what a horrible suggestion! Was think bout our nicknames...What irritates Lac and me the most is when Mumsie mixes us up...like Goooooood Guuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrllll...I hate that. I am not a girl. And I don't want to be one, either...I heard her out that with Lacie today, and she was saying Go Pee, Scruff...well...it wasn't Scruff...it must be the Men O Pause. Or she's just crazy.
Scruffy...the GGGGGGGoood Girrrrrrrrrl!!
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