Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The tree in our backyard EXPLODED! The whole place is covered in yellow leaves and our big tree is naked.

It makes spotting Mr. Squirrel much easier.

And provides lots of entertainment for my Mom.

I look like a clown.


Moco said...

You look great in your leaf necklace, Sherman. I bet that squirrel is keeping a good eye on you.

Peanut said...

We think you look very stylish. You haven't caught that squirrel yet?

Lacy said...

woofies Sherman, Penny and Lola!!! boyyyyy, u shure has a bunch of leafs, me dose too..takes mama and daddy weeks to clean dem all likies to play it dem likies sherman...and Lola, dat bandana lookies grate on iz ur color....congratulashuns on ur luvs ur bloggy too...

b safe,

wally said...

Sherman, Do you need me to call the SPCA on your behalf? I'd demand extra turkey necks tomorrow--or you'll send them that picture of what is clearly animal cruelty!


ps. Happy turkey day!

Duke said...

Don't you just love autumn leaves??!! They're just so much fun!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Randi said...

Oh Shermie! You look devine! All you need is a feather in your cap, a codpiece & a pair of tights & you'll be my knight in shining yellow leaf armor!

Love & Licks,

Snowball said...

Sherman, you look great with that leaves necklace.

Your mum must be having a hard time clearing the fallen leaves.


Boo Casanova said...

happy thanks giving to all the dogs in the house!

sherman, you look funny. and sure the squirrel won't notice u coz u blend in pretty well.

wet wet licks


Gudrun said...

Hi there gang! What beautiful, glorious leaves you have to play in!! Have fun and make sure you get that squirrel! Show 'im who's boss!!!

Nubbin wags

Lorenza said...

Hi, Sherman
I hope you did not have anything to do with that tree explosion!
Leaves around your neck or not you know you are very handsome!
Happy Thanksgiving for you and your family!

Asta said...

you look vewy handsome with that collaw of leaves!
Did you wig the explosion so you could see the squiwwels bettew? tell us the twoof!
Happy Thanksgiving to evewyone at Jackman Ave
smoochie kisses

Joe Stains said...

Holy crud did someone hit it with a grenade or something? That is wild!!

Kapp pack said...

Very handsome pose, Sherman! Looks like our backyard.

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Deanna said...

How pretty! Sherman looks cool in yellow!

Jessica said...

You don't look like a clown Sherman. We think that leaf necklace to pretty awesome. Looks great on you.

Happy Turkey Day!!

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Simba and Jazzi said...

Yep you look really silly. Thats a lot of leaves.

Simba xx

Harry said...

Oh Sherman, you are so patient with your mom!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh gosh, what happened to the tree? Poor tree. It's gonna freeze during winter.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey doggies, I'm BACK! Woh your tree exploded. It looks pawsome I hope your mom dont faint cleaning the leaves

~ Girl girl

umekotyan said...

There are a lot of leaves of the autumn tint.
Very, it is romantic.
However, it is busy to clean the leaf.
And, clown's happy appearance.
Because the fallen leaf changes the color of the magician and the leaf. :)

from loved ume tyan

Katherine and Pippa said...

Sherman, what on earth are you going to do with all those leaves? The squirrels could be hiding underneath you know......


Ruby Bleu said...

It looks so pretty out! And Sherman you look really cute too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Clover said...

Aw Sherman, moms like to make fun of us sometimes. You look good in those leaves though.
Your hockey team is playing my hockey team tonight!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!

Pugsley, Buster, Cricket & Daisy said...

Leaves, leaves, leaves. . .your barkyard most certainly exploded. You look very handsome in your leaf necklace.

xoxoCricket and Daisy

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hello doggies,

The Mommy & i just got back from my Aunt pam's house & I eat, eat and eat TURKEY....move even than the Mommy....Yummy.

I made me a new friend. Mommy's nephew brought his boxer named Kilie...she was beautuful but very big 70 pounds & I only weigh 15 pounds but she was so cool.

Hope you are having a lovey Thanksgving...I sure did.


Kirby said...

WOW, your tree really did expload! That is a whole lot of leaves. My yard is starting to look like that. It was very windy here last night, and most of the leaves got blown off. I didn't get to play in them like you did. How lucky you are. I hope you catch Mr. Squirrel with all the leaves gone!

Your pal,

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Sherman,
I think you look pretty cool with your leaf necklace.. I am sure the girls will be so jealous when they see you with it!

The WriggleButts said...

You look GRRRREAT with your leafy necklace! We've never quite figured out why the trees go naked in winter.. you'd think they'd be very cold without their leaves on.

the WriggleButts

Amici said...

Sherman....Halloween was last month. (jk). You look adorable!

What an awful lot of leaves to rake or deal with. Phew. Good luck! Hopefully you'll get some good jumping piles!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Peanut said...

Happy Gotcha day Penny. I am glad Sherman did not rip your face off when you came to live with your mom. My Mom says she didn't get the package out as things have been crazy with dad getting ready to leave and she will send it after he is gone. I'm sorry. I love you

Girasol said...

That squirrel better hide because with th leaves camoflage you are so prepare...

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Hope all of yinz had a Happy Turkey Day! The wind blew all of the leaves off of mommy's tree yesterday. We have red leaves all around the house. That wind sure was strong. Can't wait until we have a better snowfall in PGH. Mommy said that she'll start hibernating (She's not too fond of the cold & snow like we are).
-Cosmos & Juneau-

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Sherman, the leaf look is very "in" this season! J x

The Husky in the Window said...

Oh noooo. Exploding trees. I've never seen such a thing. What about Mr. squirrel? Did you get him? He caused me to fall in the pool so you have to catch him.

Did you'all get turkey yesterday? We did. It was yummy.

Happy ThanksGiving and Husky Hugs, MayaMarie

The Brat Pack said...

You look GORGEOUS!!


Sophie Brador said...

Hey Sherm, You look very soulful in that photo. Are you contemplating the meaning of Mr. Squirrel's life?


Lucky Dog Boarding said...

That color looks pretty good on you Sherman. Maybe now that the leaves are gone, you can find out what that squirrel is really doing up there. He looks suspicious to me.

L said...

All those leaves look really fun to play in - and pee on. Keep on eye on the squirrels.
Comet and BLU

Asta said...

Awwww Sherman
that was a vewy nice thing to say about my tuwkey, not fowawd at all.
Hope you and Penny and Lola had a gweat gobble day!
smoochie kisses

PerfectTosca said...

Oh man I love leaves! I herded about forty thousand of them this week! But they won't stay where I put them!

One of these days I'm gonna catch a squirrel and wring its little neck. They are all over the place, the little creeps. They thumb their noses at me from trees!

2shibas said...

That's awesome! Leaving Pee Mail on fallen leaves is THE BEST. And no, you could never look like a clown, Sherman! You look positively dapper!

Wiley & Fievel


Wow Sherman is that necklace a designer original? You look great - yellow suits you!
Jazz and Dixie


We hope you had a great Turkey Day. Exploding trees, we've never seen them here in Key West. Then of course you just need to watch out for those coconuts.

Stanley said...


You, and ONLY you could pull off that leaf necklace and still look studly.

Watch out. If you can see the squirrel better, that means he can see you better too.

Goober love,

Stella said...

Hey, Sherm.

I know you're probably not into young, unexperienced pups like me, but a girl can't help who she fancies. You're a stud no matter what you do. You just can't hide that kind of DOGLINESS.

Lots of goobette love & smooches,