But pawsonally, I think we've had enough of Lola! She might be my bestest friend in the whole world, but she's had the spotlight for the whole week. What about Penny?
Just so you guys don't forget about me...here's a reminder of how gorgeous I am (eat your heart out Pippa, Peanut & Tucker!).

Are you there Sophie? It's me...Penny.
Hi Penny,
You are an absolute doll! Too cute for words!
Your pal,
Hey Penny,
Thanks for those great shots. I missed looking at you. :)
Well look at you, Miss Photogenic!
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Nice profile picture there Penny! Have you thought of modelling?
jazz and dixie
I don't think we could ever forget about you Penny.
Pippa x
Oh Penny, love those pictures of you with the lighting on your face...Oh, I'm sure Lola's got loads of loverly pressies. Can't wait to see them all!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Those are super cute shots, Penny!
Love ya lots,
lola, how can we forget how you look like? you are a princess!
wet wet licks
Hi Penny...Oh, those photos are beautiful. It looks like you went to a professional photo shoot. The way the light is shinning on you just makes your beauty shine!!
We got a package from you yesterday but Mom hassn't let us open it yet. She said we had to wait until today so she could have the camera all ready. Whatever Mom!! Anyway, we can hardly wait to dig into it!!
Thanks, your the greatest!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Beautiful pictures!
I think my heart just skipped a beat! I need to settle down, I am too old for this kind of stuff.
are Yinz ready for some football? a real monday night party?!
Hi guys! We're so very honored to meet you! We like all doggies that wriggle ;) We wriggle a lot, too - that's of course why we've got the name we've got. Actually it's an attempted translation on the name we went under before - roughly translated we were/are the buttwriggling union in Norwegian, you see!
We'll be back soon!
Sniffs and sneezes,
Bajas, Coco & Nimbus
Is that what those strips were? Bullystraps?? No wonder we liked them so well!!
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Penny, you be beautiful.
Four Pugz
Great pictures, Penny! I agree with Jazz and Dixie - you should consider modelling!
You are way cute! It looks like you've grown; especially when you compare this pic with the one on the right hand side bar. Hope you had a great Halloween and a fun weekend!
Oh Penny! You are so beautiful! High time you were given your righful blog hog reward! Such a fantastic profile.... Where can I get it framed?
Love & Licks,
Hey Penny, you look very pretty in the sunlight there
~ Girl girl
There is no way, no how, EVER we could forget about you. Totally impossible, pretty girl!
Penny girl!
Yinz iz so bootiful! Are you modeling now? These shots should definitely be in your portfolio.
Goober love,
Hi, Penny
Congratulations to the model and the photographer! Those are beautiful pictures of you!
There is no way we can forget you!
Have a good night
I LOVE those pictures...you should consider a career in modeling! Don't worry we could never forget about you.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
It doesn't forget.
Everyone calls the superstar.
This photograph is beautiful.
from loved ume tyan
Penny! I hear you, and you are gorgeous. In fact, you are gorgeous enough to be my BFF. Don't tell Lola and Sherman, but have always been my favourite Ferndoggle. I'm going to come to Pittsburgh for a photo shoot with you. Maybe we can get the cover of Bark!
HI PENNY! You are like TOTALLY CUTE. Just like ME! Why don't we get ALLL THE ATTENTION?
no one could evew fowget how gowgeous you awe!
Those pawtwaits awe simply bootiful!!
smoochie kisses
pant pant oh my those are lovely pictures
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