Wednesday, September 03, 2008

All settled in!

Hi guys! I know I haven't been around FUREVER!! I went on a little mini-vacation and then I had to get ready for my BIG MOVE! But let me tell you...I've missed you all terribly.

I know Penny told you I was going to move in with our Auntie Kristen...and the good news is that our Auntie Rachel is at our house all the time. She practically lives there too! I'm so super lucky to have 2 great Aunties to take care of me.

And they're pretty cute too...

So let me tell you a little bit about my new place.

I've got this great yard to relax and catch some rays...oh & this pink blanket, not mine.

And when it get too hot, I have a nice shade tree to lay under...

I've got a GIANT kitchen...

And a very appropriate bowl to eat from. I am, of course...the King of this Castle.

I'm not really eating many raw meatables these days, but I do get to share dinner with my Aunties...

And they are very good cooks...

This is where I hang out while Auntie Kristen is at work...

And this is the big bed I get to sleep in at night...

OK, not really, I'm supposed to sleep on the floor...but I have this rockin' little room with cool wood floors to chill...and nap, if I so chose.

All this great stuff! It's really like a doggie dream come true.

But as hard as I tried, I couldn't help but feel like something was missing.

All right, all right...I missed my Mommy!!!! I know I'm super tuff and you guys would never guess it, but I am a closet Mama's Boy and things just aren't the same without her...

So I moved her in with me

Yep, that's right...Mom is now living with Auntie Kristen and I!! See how happy it makes both of us!!!

We're not going to have Internet access at home for another 2 weeks. It's going to be hard for us to comment on everyone's blogs but we promise to keep up with what's going on with our DWBs family. Penny & Lola will post an update as soon as they can. And no, I don't miss them...

(On a slightly more somber note, Scott & I have decided to part ways after 8 years. It was an amicable split and we will maintain joint custody of the dogs. Penny & Lola will stay with him and I am obviously with Sherman. It's an adjustment for all of us, but we're ready to move on with the next chapter in our lives. Stay tuned...



Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Shermie...I missed you. I'm glad you are liking your new digs. How great you convinced you Mom to keep you company too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


what a post -

but my mom sends her best - she went thru that too - and had to leave her five Sibes BUT -

NOW she has ME!

We'll be thinking of all of woo during these times are transition -

BUT, my mom says things happen fur reasons - even if woo don't see it at the time -

Hugz&Khysses TO ALL,

Princess Eva and Brice said...

We're sorry to hear the news. But as Khyra says - things happen for a reason. It's good that Sherman is there to help adjust to the changes.

Princess Eva

Moco said...

We wish you and your mom all the best with this new phase of your life. You really are the king of the castle with those 3 beauti-ful girls.

Anonymous said...

Oh, dear fuzzy nephew of mine... I believe the pink towel belongs to your Auntie Kristen!! Sherman hairs on my blanket! Gross! :)

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Do you think I can come live there too? I mean that meat looks so tasty and I am drooling all over the keyboard just thinking of it.


The Daily Echo said...

I'm thinking this new arrangement worked out pretty darned well for you buddy! 3 bewootiful women to wait on you paw and snooter - Woo! Maybe I could come visit you sometime.

The Army of Four said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your parents, Sherman ...
but at the same time, YEOWZERS, your aunts and your mom are such babes! Can I come visit?
Play bows,

Girasol said...

Sherman you look so happy next to mommy! All the house is for you, wow! nice yard, kitchen and bed... nice!
I wish the best for you and your mommy.

Joe Stains said...

Ok Sherman, we have seen the new digs, we know your Mom is going to be a kick butt single hot mama, but lets get to the important stuff dude...

ITS STEELERS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lady Kaos said...

I'm Sherman is having fun in his new home. We're very sorry to hear about your parent's split up. It's sad, but it sounds like everybody is doing good. I hope we'll still get to hear updates from all 3 of you.

the many Bs said...

oh Sherman, we are sooooo happy to see you, kiddddddddoooooo!

so Jen, we're sorry about your split. our mom can tell you 'split happens'. we all wish you and Scott the best. you hang on to Sherman. he'll keep you sane and happy.


Georgeous said...

OMD, I dunno what to say - I was so caught up in your pretty aunties and all your nice stuff and your lovely new home and then the blow. I do hope your Mummy is okay, I know she is very pleased and happy to be with you though.
look forward to hearing from you soon Shermie.
Love George

BenTheRotti said...

Sherman I can't begin to tell you how much you have been missed buddy, Mum has been practically sobbing over your pictures, then again we all know she has an uber love thing for you.. so thats no shock!
Your Aunties sure are cute! Your Mom is too.. hey wait a minute.. you get to live with THREE hot chicks!! Jeeze man.. you still rule the roost of super-studism! No wonder I aspire to grow up to be just like you!
I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom and Dad but I'm happy to hear things are amicable and your Mom gets to spend time with your sisters still. Please give your Mom huge rotti slobbers and kisses all sprinkled with love from me, and make sure she knows I'm available *wink*

eeeeek.. you know that was a joke right? I don't think I could handle the wrath of the Shermster!

anyway, I seem to be getting close to an essay, but I'm really glad to see you all settled and that you have your Mom (No shame in missing her you know, even us tough guys need our Moms)

Mum send you smooches (sigh)

Ben xxxxxxxxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Sherman,
You look pretty comfy there matie. Hope it all goes well for you all.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Dandy Duke said...

We absolutely love that picture of you and your mom smiling, Sherman! We wish all of you the best!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Charlie Daniels said...

Big changes can sometimes be scary but I reckon all will work out well for everyone and dog!

Oh! ... and Sherman ... how do you concentrate with all those really cute humans around? ;-)



Deefor said...

Hi Sherman
I'm glad you like where you live now. It looks like a really nice place. I hope you and your mom will be happy together there.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Sherman!
I am so happy to see you again!
Yes, things happen for a reason and we hope everyone is going to be happy.
You know we wish the best to you all!
Kisses and hugs

Southbaygirl said...

Jen, I'm so sorry to hear about your split! This must be an incredibly difficult time for you and the dogs but at least you have you Sherman!!! It's amazing what the love of a dog can do!!!! My animals have helped me thru some of the toughest times! Unconditional love!!! Keep smiling! At least you are surrounded with love!

Penny and Velcro

The Brat Pack said...

We know our Mom has already harassed your Mom like 56 times about her mental state so now we just want to say that we're happy to see your smiling mug!!

We've missed you buddy!


PS We had to throw water on Dot when she fainted from your towel pic.

Kapp pack said...

Sibe vibes for everyone! Remember things happen for a reason! Hang in there!

TTFN, Meadow

Boo Casanova said...

yeah, first all the good news about your new dig and your pretty aunties then the sad news. i'm so sorry auntie jenn. i hope your next chapter of life will be so much better.

as for sherman, well, you be careful there. with 3 ladies and their pink stuff, they'll turn you into one preeeetty handsome dog soon.

wet wet licks


i said...

So glad you've settled down well at your new place, Sherman. Really happy to hear your mom is staying with you too. Isn't it fantastic to be living with 3 lovely ladies?

Sorry to hear about your parents too. Glad to know things work out fine.

Chef said...

Sherman, it's so good to see you smiling.. and your mommy too. Our best wishes to you both as you begin this new chapter in your lives. I'm so glad you have each other.


Randi said...

Awww Sherms...I've missed you so much...I'm so glad you are all settled into your new place...sounds like new adjustments & new beginnings everywhere...We are saddened to hear about your peoples & their choices...but only want what's best for them & want them to be happy as all of us dogs are...please tell your mama if she needs anything to just email...not sure what we can do from SoCal..but it doesn't hurt to offer ...

Give our love to Penny & even the little stinker Lola...

Looking forward to hearing all about your new adventures...

Love to all of you & your new aunties & your daddy & your sissies & your mama too...

Love & Licks,

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Yo Sherman, dude...a pink blankie?? Hmm...ya better watch out for all of that chick stuff round there...good thing they have ya there to protect them!!

We're wishin' both of your parents the best in this next faze of their glad the dog issues have been resolved...this has to have been so very stressful.

Barkin' at ya!!!


Stanley said...


Man, I have MISSED your face and your booty! Glad to see you're hanging with some hot chicas still, even if they are of a different species.

You and your mama look so happy to be reunited! Like Joe said, I'm sure she's one hot single mama, but make sure she keeps a lot of good time carved out for YOU!

Tell your mama if she wants, we can enroll her in a dating program here in GooberSTan. Nothing but the best goobs for HER!

Goober love & smooches,

Kathryn and Ari said...

What great new digs! But we're also really sorry to hear about the split. Hope you're both getting adjusted to your new lives.

Mack said...

Shermie, you hit the big time! And you have no girly dogs living with you?? And those beautiful chicas --LUCKY!!

Tell your mom we all said hi and give her some Macky sugars too ,

Peanut said...

Sherm my buddy. You have the life. No siblings and 3 hot women to take care of you. Don't tell anyone but I would miss my mommy also. I'm a big mama's boy. Oh and can you have your mom give Penny a big smooch for me?

Dewey Dewster said...


Sorry ta hear of yer change of residence and hope it all works out....8 years is a long time Shermie's Mom...hope yer OK....are ya able ta attend Doggie Fun Day at Butler's Alameda Park September 14???? If so google it or visit our blog fer info....

Dewey Dewster here....

Amber-Mae said...

We missed you guys so much! I hope the big move went smoothly. You look sooo happy Shermie!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Sophie Brador said...

Wow! Changes galore over there. I hope your mommy is doing okay. Even when break ups are good things, they are still hard, so you better give her loads of loving. But Shermie! How lucky are you, hanging with all those girls ... all the girls with thumbs, who can open fridges and give you foodables. Woo hoo! You are living the life, dude!


Petra said...

Sherman! It's so good to see you happy and to hear from you again. You are really king of the castle!

Like everybody else, we're sorry to hear about your dad and mom. Life can be really hard at times, but I'm glad to see the smiling faces!

River said...

Hi Sherman! My mom went through that too before I came to live with her. She got to keep the dogs and the house so she could continue to do rescue. Even though it's amicable (as was my mom's) it's still hard. We wish you the best.

love & wags,
River & mom

Kirby said...


I'm so happy you are back with your Mom. Be sure to give her tons of love as she begins this new phase of her life. Enjoy living with all those lovely ladies, but dude watch out for that pink. A dog could get the wrong idea! He he!!

Your pal,

Simba and Jazzi said...

Can I come and live with you too. I need a bowl like that one. Sorry to hear about your parents splitting up, but sometimes a new beginning is the only way forward.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Sherman... I missed seeing you. :)
I think that pink mat looks cool.
I hope everyone & dog is doing well.

~ Girl girl

Cassidy said...

You do look very happy Sherman. Take good care of your mummy, she might need some extra snuggles.

Cassidy x

Huskee and Hershey said...

Oh Sherman! Only you can understand my pain (both literally and figuratively).. Hershey still has got her nasty razor sharp baby teefies and it seems like no one is spared.
Gee Sherman, you get to live under the same roof as 3 gorgeous gals and I bet you get their undivided attention. Me?? I live with a naggy & grumpy mom and a sister whose teefies give me their undivided attention.. Wanna trade places??
So sorry to hear about your parent's split. But if it's not too much to ask, can you please let your mom know that I am available? She's so pretty and I'd love to take her out on a date.. *blush*

Huskee Boy


Hi Sherman
As we read down this post we were so very happy to find that things were finally going your way and that it had all worked out for you. We were a little saddened by your mummy's news but she has you to help her through this transition in her life and wish you and her all the very best.

Aggie said...

King of the house! You are so lucky to have such pretty queens to live with you. I can't wait to come check out your new digs!

Sloppy Kisses,


FleasGang said...

Geez, that came out of the blue.

We're all really happy that you scored such a sweet new place to call home, Sherman. It looks like you're gonna have three lovely ladies taking care of you for now on. It doesn't get much better than that!

The Fleas

p.s. Jen, thanks for stopping by and saying such things. It is greatly appreciated. Hope you're doing well.

wally said...


From one mama's boy to another--it is so good to see your face. I'm sorry that things are a little rough for your mom but I'm so glad she has you to help her through it.

Your new digs look great and I'm sure you are gonna have the HECK spoiled out of ya. As it should be!

Many hugs to you and your mom.

wally t.

Asta said...

I'm vewy happy fow you to have such a gweat new place wif such lovely aunties and youw Mommi too..
Ihope youw Mommi will have a wondewful new chaptew in hew life..
smoochie kisses

Urban Smoothie Read said...

sherman, we are so happy for u, that u got such a nice place and cute aunties to stay with...

but we are sorry to hear about ur mommy n daddy... anyway, i'm sure your company can keep your mommy happy

best regards

Agatha and Archie said...

We wish all of you guys only the very very best..and now for a new chapter in your lives...Love and kisses A+A

Amici said...

Very nice new crib Sherman!! You are definitely the king of the house.

Make sure you give your Mom tons of love. Changes of the heart need time to heal and hopefully with your help, you'll make it easier on your Mom.

Hugs from Maine!

Mike and Mati said...

Sherman! Mati, Dad and I have been away for so long and *poof*! such changes in your life! Well, I'm glad to see you have a great home with loving Aunties and Mom. Stay in touch and I'll promise to do the same. Good luck (though you won't need any!) - Love Rockstar

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Sherman,
Don't be embarrassed about missing your mom, I'm a total Mama's boy too. Take good care of your mom, you gotta be strong for her, cause you're the man of the house now!
Murphy Dogg

wally said...

Sherman--I am watching the Steelers and the Eagles (not on the same channel, obviously). It's like Pennsylvania-Palooza!

My ma ape thinks your kitchen looks really nice and I think your meatables look nice! I told my ma ape that WE should move in with Sherman! She said that football days would be too contentious.

wally t.

Dexter said...

Sherman! You have not one, not two, but, uh, what's next... five? humans to take care of you. What a lucky dude. You look like you are in pig heaven.


P.S. Momma says that her thoughts are with your mom and dad and lola and penny who are going through some serious changes.

BenTheRotti said...

Pop on over to my blog when you get the chance, I left a little award there for you.


Ben xxx

Lacy said...

w00f's Sherman, ooo me thinks me closed this b4 me sended me comment...anyways u looks sooo happy to b there with the iz sorry u mama and daddy not 2gether anymore...but thisss way, boff of them will give ya lots of treeats and toys...

b safe,

Poppy said...

Wow, lots of changes...I hope you guys are all happy! And it's great that you get to be with your Mom!


Bella the Boxer said...

Sherman, you look as happy as a fox in a hen house!! Make sure to give your Mom lots of love and snuggles, she'll sure appreciate it.

xoxo - Bella

Clover said...

Hi Sherm,
Thanks for sharing all this news with us. I am glad to hear that you are all doing well. It sounds like there will be many adjustments - remember that we are all here for you, ok?
Take care - sending lots of hugs and kisses to all of you!
Love Clover xo
P.S. Your new place looks pawesome! You did a good job of showing it off! :)

Ben & Darling said...

Glad you have settle down with those hot pretty aunties...OMdoG Sherman, you are sooooooooooo lucky!!!

slurpy licks,

The WriggleButts said...

You all sure have your share of challenges lately! If you drop by my blog you'll see I've given you an award!


Nevis said...

Lovely pictures! Enjoy your new home!

Jake of Florida said...

We were reading along and were happy for Sherman -- then came the twist -- so we sincerely hope everything works ourt for the best for all of you.


Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Anonymous said...


Oh, what a wonderful Auntie you have! Keep kissing your Mama's face. Mamas need lots of love.

Why do those silly humans think they're the only ones allowed on the bed? After all, it's your house, too!


Boxer Mama

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

Oh-Wooey, What a post! You got the best part, King-o-the-castle-Sherman, you are one guy in a house of all bewootiful gals (& ones yur mama, too)!

Take care all,

-Da Boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

The Zoo Crew said...

Hope everyone is settled in by now! I think you're gonna be quite the spoiled man, dontcha think?


Balboa said...

I am so sorry I have not been around and missed so much.

I am glad you are doing well Sherman and helping your mom as much as she helps you.

Its awesome that you are the King of the Castle, which is how you should be treated!

Sorry about missing DWB, mommy will help me do a new post this afternoon.

Frenchie Snorts

P.S. Mommy is thinking of you and your entire family, we hope you are all well.