Today was pretty much the perfect day. Penny & I went on a walk all over the neighborhood for an HOUR! I spread so much pee mail, I ran out at the end! Then Mom walked Lola for 45 minutes and we spent the rest of the morning hanging out in the yard.
Penny & Lola played with their big tomato...
Then we hung out on the deck & ate big giant marrow bones...not to many days left for us to snack alfresco, so we stayed out there as long as we could.

See how sunny it is here! And even better, it's only in the 60s. Ahhhhhh, I love Fall!

I just hung out & chewed some more.
We'll be around to visit everyone tomorrow!
Hi Sherman
It sounds like the thwee of you had a pawfect fall day! I looove fall!! and those mawwow bones suwe look tasty..Ive nevew had one booo hooo
smoochie kisses
Wow Sherman.... You really are enjoying that fall weather. Those are some great pictures of all of you. And we are begging our Mom to get us some of those bones that you have.
Love, Seadra and Zoe
Dooods--My ma ape has been neglecting me AND my blog. I haven't had chicken backs in days. OK, I've had turkey and lamb shanks and other stuff. But still. Neglected.
This weather ROCKS, eh? Much more civilized for us finely aged gents.
We need a new Servant. Ours never gives us bones. Yours is awesome.
the poor deprived whippet waggle
I love the fall too...it's so nice out, I can sleep on the deck in the sun...ahhhh...I just need a meaty bone and I'll be just like you pups!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Sherman
I was worried about you all, but now is good to know that you are enjoying great days! I had a little marrow bone today and like yours, it was yummy!
Have a good night
go out and enjoy that weather while you can, soon it will be BRRR cold for you guys. We missed the steelers today too!
Oh, it's been raining alot here now in Malaysia. The rainy season just started a week ago so it has been cool but the grass are very wet & soggy. YUM! Huge marrow bones? It sounds good... We never got marrow bones before only pork & cow bones.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Woh looks like you 3 enjoyed the fall weather. :) The bone looks yummy..
~ Girl girl
We love autumn and we love marrow bones! You guys had a great day!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great pics of you all having a blast.
Scrappy and Pebbles
Those bones look AMAZING. We are totally drooling.
Wiley & Fievel
Hi Sherman! Sounds like you all had a really fun day! My mom always tells me that fall is the best time of year in New England (she's from NY). We don't really have autumn here, but I wish we did so I could see how awesome it is myself: all the falling leaves, the crisp, cool air, and shorter sunny days :)
You guys are lucky you live in a place where you can enjoy it!
Until next time,
Hi Sherman! Better to be outside underneath a blue sky than inside blogging!
Lovely pictures as always!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxx
We have lovely autumn weather here too in Bonnie and Sunny Scotland ;0)
Looks like a perfect day to me, except for those Steelers. How do you not rip each other's heads off over those bones. I don't think I could cope. I would want them ALL!
Today is Bloggers Unite for the Environment! I can't wait to see everyotherdog's post and contributions
What a great weekend! I am going to come visit so I can have long walks, play in the yard with you guys and eat some marrow bones.
Although this weekend I did go on a long walk and eat a knuckle bone, so I can't complain too much.
Love Clover xo
Hi Sherman ,Penny and Lola!
I'm not allowed in the big food stowes eithew..that's why I like the little neighbowhood stowes,cause thewe it's kind of up to the ownew,and thewe awe a lot of them who like doggies..yeah!!!
smoochie kisses
My ma ape says I have the body of a bus so I should fit in the jersey! my teams are doing so bad. Sigh.
Isn't fall the most awesome time of year? Except for the rain! But I love the sunny, cool, colorful days!
Hi Guys,
I love fall too! The cool crisp air, makes me want to stay outside for hours. The only way I can get mom to come in and blog is to pull her by her pants 'till she sits in front of the computer. MMMMMmmmm those marrow bones look yummy. I'll have to send mom out for one of those. Hope the weather stays perfect out by you!
Your pal,
Hi Sherman... sound like u guys are having so much fun together.. especially those bones.. yummy..
We were wondering where you have been! It looks like you hit the jackpot!
1 hour walkie...tat's a very long walk indeed...did u get exhausted...
n those r some really tasty meaty bones u got there
Such a wonderful day you had... I have not had marrow bones before, are they yummy??
Hi Gang, Looks like a great day! Fall is awesome!
Hard to beat a perfect fall day! I so love the cool weather! Does it make you all wiggly like it does me?
Way to supervise, by the way. Sometimes the sissies just need to know that you're still boss.
Goober love,
Yo Sherman...it was odd without the Steelers from the "bye" this weekend...We didn't get a marrow bone...we did get a long walk at North Park...it was a perfect day...
Hi-Woo All,
You enjoyed PGH weather over the weekend as much as we did. When Juneau & I go out in the side run, we don't want to come in - just hang out & sleep on the wall. Check out our blog cuz daddy surprised mommy wif her 1st ride on Charlie Horse since her surgery this past Sunday. He took a little movie of the 2 of them & she is all grins. Good horsie therapy for her! Yur bonies look so woofully yummy! They haven't tried giving us any like them yet. Juneau would probably shred them wif his toothies, the doofus. Maybe we can all meet some day wif a play date since we live in the same area.
Til next time,
Hey you guys and Penny of course just wanted to say I'm alive. I miss you Penny
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